Mnyb wrote: 
> Just trying to help figure where the problems is .
> In the iTunes integration plug-in or the scanner in genral .
> For the general case folks have had problems with the totalpath to the
> files >25X something characters in windows ( 252 or 256 i don't remeber
> ).
> The iTunes integrtion plug in sees it own sets of bugs .
> Scanning using a music folder that LMS itaelf sees ? will it then play
> these files ?
> Are the file names exactly as the metadata (file tags ) ? they dont need
> to be they can be shorter ?

Thanks so much for brainstorming this with me. I have the iTunes plug-in
activated and I checked "Use iTunes" in settings under the iTunes tab.
So I assume I am integrating with iTunes. And, yes, exactly what I type
into iTunes track titles appears in Squeeze Server in the player skin. I
have a large library of over 32,000 songs in one large music folder on
an external drive, and I run iTunes and Squeezebox Server on the same
Mac Mini (OS 10.6). I am using Squeezebox Server v. 7.5.2, because it
has been very reliable over the past three+ years. I hope I am answering
your questions. Luckily, this seems to be an isolated single-album
anomaly at this point, but it makes me worried new albums will encounter
similar troubles down the road.

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