and slowly the tide turns...  :)

this is what i was saying from the start.  if we take a fresh approach
and consider these higher level questions, we can come up with a better,
more logical system based on common use scenarios than what we have now,
both in terms of scanning, and presentation (UI).  these aren't merely
academic points, they would result in under the hood efficiencies, that
would result in faster, more reliable scans, and faster more reliable
queries, as well as more dynamic user made (and named) views that had no
arbitrary restrictions based on the "home > whatever" structure server
uses now.

it would be great if someone like Erland were still around, so we could
fork 7.9.1 into a project that attempted to bring these changes about,
without messing up those who have gotten used to how server currently
is, and hopefully merge them eventually.

first, its pretty obvious that everyone is going to have their own ideas
about what is, and is not a comp.  what is perfectly clear, is that
currently server determines this in a rather arbitrary way, which might
work for some, but should be opt in at best.  implement Erlands patch,
and make the default that only comp=1 tagged files will be seen as comps
to server.  comp status is merely another file property, like an album
tag, or title tag.

second, comps shouldn't exist in server as a special kinda separate
category.  its a property of a file, like any other file property.  it
may, like albumartist tags, impact on grouping tracks together, but its
not more important than another tag.  it might also be useful in certain
queries, like those that want to include, or exclude comps in a given
queries results set.  but its not some kind of actual thing, which is
the way server treats it (and conflates it) now.

finally, server should come with a few default "views" that the user can
add to, delete from, and or edit.  the views should all be custom
nameable.  the queries used to create the views should all be user
definable, and include factors beyond tag values, such as folder
location (like winamp smartviews, using infinite and/or statements). 
the behavior of the views, such as with or without artwork, suppressing
or including artists from comps, etc, should again be up to the user,
and switchable on the fly.

i'm not fully fleshing it out here, but those would be some of the broad
goals of a forked project.  b/c of the current way server does queries,
where it conflates for example comp status, comp names, and tag values,
under the hood queries will be more efficient.  i fully support adding
the fields for classical, like "works" and so on, and managing classical
libraries would be part of the goal.

using:  win7 64 + lms 7.9 & duet & ipads w/the logitech app, and ipeng
on an ipod &
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