RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest  Saturday 19 December 2020  Volume 32 : Issue 41

Peter G. Neumann, founder and still moderator

***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. *****
This issue is archived at <http://www.risks.org> as
The current issue can also be found at

SolarWinds, SunBurst, Russians, et al. (sundry sources merged by PGN)
Advanced Persistent Threat Compromise of Government Agencies, Critical
  Infrastructure, and Private Sector Organizations (CISA)
The U.S. government spent billions on a system for detecting hacks.
  The Russians outsmarted it. (Craig Timberg and Ellen Nakashima)
More Hacking Attacks Found as Officials Warn of Grave Risk to
  U.S. Government (NYTimes)
Harvard Gazette interviews Russia expert Paul Kolbe on Russian hacking of
  government computer systems (Christina Pazzanese)
Hyundai and Kia Woes Continue as Nearly 425,000 Vehicles Recalled Over
  Engine Issues (The Drive)
Boeing inappropriately coached test pilots during review of 737 Max after
  crashes, Senate investigators say (WashPost)
Global google services outage 12/14 -- delay in repair (Edwin Slonim)
Military-grade camera shows risks of airborne coronavirus spread (WashPost)
National Weather Service faces Internet bandwidth shortage, proposes access
  limits (WashPost)
Facebook' Tone-Deaf Attack on Apple (NYTimes)
Exfiltrating Data from Air-Gapped Computers via Wi-Fi Signals -- Without
  Wi-Fi Hardware (The Hacker News)
Cheap GPS jammers a major threat to drones (RNTFND)
Betting on the election (Rob Slade)
Vaccinated? Show Us Your App (NYTimes)
Devices Used In COVID-19 Treatment Can Give Errors For Patients With Dark
  Skin (npr.org)
An Internal Medicine Doctor and His Peers Read the Pfizer Vaccine Study and
  See Red Flags (Naked Capitalism)
More Differential Privacy for Ordinary Security Mavens (Rob Slade)
Differential Privacy for Ordinary Security Mavens: noise (Rob Slade)
Re: AI Can Run Your Work Meetings Now (Amos Shapir)
Re: Former Israeli space security chief says aliens exist, humanity not
  ready (Amos Shapir)
Re: Police Drones Starting to Think for Themselves (Amos Shapir)
Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)


Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2020
From: Peter G Neumann <neum...@csl.sri.com>
Subject: SolarWinds, SunBurst, Russians, et al. (sundry sources merged)

WASHINGTON, 13 Dec 2020 (Reuters) - A sophisticated hacking group backed by
a foreign government stole information from the U.S. Treasury Department and
a U.S. agency responsible for deciding policy around the Internet and
telecommunications, according to people familiar with the matter.
(Reporting by Christopher Bing; Editing by Daniel Wallis)

Washington Post attributed it to .ru /Cozy Bear

The Russian government hackers who breached a top cybersecurity firm are
behind a global espionage campaign that also compromised the Treasury and
Commerce departments and other government agencies, according to people
familiar with the matter, who requested anonymity because of the sensitivity
of the matter.

The FBI is investigating the campaign by a hacking group working for the
Russian foreign intelligence service, SVR. The group, known among
private-sector security firms as APT29 or Cozy Bear, also hacked the State
Department and the White House during the Obama administration.

Brian Krebs blog post: SolarWinds' products were used by virtually

Reuters reported that up to 18000 of them may have downloaded the malware.

Many services from Alphabet Inc, including YouTube, Gmail and Google
Drive, were down for thousands of users across the globe on Monday.

The NYTimes mentions that this all started in the spring of 2020, already
too late to stop some of the damage.
Russian Hackers Broke Into Federal Agencies, U.S. Officials Suspect

Fireeye's analysis for the attack:

Communications at the U.S. Treasury and Commerce Departments were reportedly
compromised by a supply chain attack on SolarWinds, a security vendor that
helps the federal government and a range of Fortune 500 companies monitor
the health of their IT networks. Given the breadth of the company's customer
base, experts say the incident may be just the first of many such

SolarWinds hides list of high-profile customers after devastating hack

Some of SolarWinds' customers. Source: solarwinds.com
According to a Reuters story
<https://www.reuters.com/article/BigStory12/idUSKBN28N0PG>, hackers believed
to be working for Russia have been monitoring internal email traffic at the
U.S. Treasury and Commerce departments. Reuters reports the attackers were
able to surreptitiously tamper with updates released by SolarWinds for its
Orion platform
 a suite of network management tools.

In a security advisory <https://www.solarwinds.com/securityadvisory>,
Austin, Texas based SolarWinds acknowledged its systems ``experienced a
highly sophisticated, manual supply chain attack on SolarWinds Orion
Platform software builds for versions 2019.4 HF 5 through 2020.2.1, released
between March 2020 and June 2020.''

In response to the intrusions at Treasury and Commerce, the Department of
Homeland Security's *Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency* (CISA)
took the unusual step of issuing an emergency directive
<https://cyber.dhs.gov/ed/21-01/> ordering all federal agencies to
immediately disconnect the affected Orion products from their networks.  [...]

 - - - -

Partial customer listing from Brian Krebs:
Bellsouth Telecommunications
Best Western Intl.
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Booz Allen Hamilton
Boston Consulting
Cable & Wireless
Cablecom Media AG
Charter Communications
City of Nashville
City of Tampa
Clemson University
Comcast Cable
Credit Suisse
Dow Chemical
EMC Corporation
Ernst and Young
Federal Express
Federal Reserve Bank
Ford Motor Company
Gates Foundation
General Dynamics
Gillette Deutschland GmbH
H&R Block
Harvard University
Hertz Corporation
ING Direct
J.D. Byrider
Johns Hopkins University
Kennedy Space Center
Korea Telecom
Leggett and Platt
Level 3 Communications
Liz Claiborne
Lockheed Martin
McDonald's Restaurants
National Park Service
New York Power Authority
New York Times
Nielsen Media Research
Perot Systems Japan
Phillips Petroleum
Pricewaterhouse Coopers
Procter & Gamble
San Francisco Intl. Airport
Smart City Networks
Smith Barney
Smithsonian Institute
Sparkasse Hagen
St. John's University
Swisscom AG
Telecom Italia
The Economist
Time Warner Cable
U.S. Air Force
University of Alaska
University of Kansas
University of Oklahoma
US Dept. Of Defense
US Postal Service
US Secret Service
Visa USA
Williams Communications


 - - - -

Russia Suspected In Major Cyberattack On U.S. Treasury, Commerce Departments

Spreading effects of SolarWinds software supply chain compromise. The
security effects of remote work.

Solarwinds seems to have used a bad password for its update server:

Apparently a security research told SolarWinds that their githib repo had a
password "SolarWinds123" and it wasn't changed even after being tipped off.

There is an explanation of the hack, but not the compromise itself at

ZDNet reports that a compromise of the company's Microsoft Office 365 email
and office productivity accounts may have provided a point of entry.

See also


Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2020 01:54:02 -0500
From: Gabe Goldberg <g...@gabegold.com>
Subject: Advanced Persistent Threat Compromise of Government Agencies,
  Critical Infrastructure, and Private Sector Organizations (CISA)

  [Later inf the week, the "official" CISA announcement appeared.  PGN]

Advanced Persistent Threat Compromise of Government Agencies, Critical
Infrastructure, and Private Sector Organizations

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is aware of
compromises of U.S. government agencies, critical infrastructure entities,
and private sector organizations by an advanced persistent threat (APT)
actor beginning in at least March 2020. This APT actor has demonstrated
patience, operational security, and complex tradecraft in these
intrusions. CISA expects that removing this threat actor from compromised
environments will be highly complex and challenging for organizations.

Technical Details

CISA is aware of compromises, which began at least as early as March 2020,
at U.S. government agencies, critical infrastructure entities, and private
sector organizations by an APT actor. This threat actor has demonstrated
sophistication and complex tradecraft in these intrusions.  CISA expects
that removing the threat actor from compromised environments will be highly
complex and challenging. This adversary has demonstrated an ability to
exploit software supply chains and shown significant knowledge of Windows
networks. It is likely that the adversary has additional initial access
vectors and tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) that have not yet
been discovered. CISA will continue to update this Alert and the
corresponding indicators of compromise (IOCs) as new information becomes
available.  Initial Infection Vectors [TA0001]

CISA is investigating incidents that exhibit adversary TTPs consistent with
this activity, including some where victims either do not leverage
SolarWinds Orion or where SolarWinds Orion was present but where there was
no SolarWinds exploitation activity observed. Volexity has also reported
publicly that they observed the APT using a secret key that the APT
previously stole in order to generate a cookie to bypass the Duo
multi-factor authentication protecting access to Outlook Web App (OWA).[1

Volexity attributes this intrusion to the same activity as the SolarWinds
Orion supply chain compromise, and the TTPs are consistent between the
two. This observation indicates that there are other initial access vectors
beyond SolarWinds Orion, and there may still be others that are not yet
known.  SolarWinds Orion Supply Chain Compromise

SolarWinds Orion is an enterprise network management software suite that
includes performance and application monitoring and network configuration
management along with several different types of analyzing tools. SolarWinds
Orion is used to monitor and manage on-premise and hosted
infrastructures. To provide SolarWinds Orion with the necessary visibility
into this diverse set of technologies, it is common for network
administrators to configure SolarWinds Orion with pervasive privileges,
making it a valuable target for adversary activity.



Date: December 17, 2020 at 5:57:28 PM GMT+9
From: Dewayne Hendricks <dewa...@warpspeed.com>
Subject: The U.S. government spent billions on a system for detecting hacks.
  The Russians outsmarted it. (Craig Timberg and Ellen Nakashima)

  [Note:  This item comes from reader Randall Head.  DLH]

15 Dec 2020

When Russian hackers first slipped their digital Trojan horses into federal 
government computer systems, probably sometime in the spring, they sat dormant 
for days, doing nothing but hiding. Then the malicious code sprang into action 
and began communicating with the outside world.

At that moment -- when the Russian malware began sending transmissions from
federal servers to command-and-control computers operated by the hackers --
an opportunity for detection arose, much as human spies behind enemy lines
are particularly vulnerable when they radio home to report what they've

Why then, when computer networks at the State Department and other federal
agencies started signaling to Russian servers, did nobody in the
U.S. government notice that something odd was afoot?

The answer is part Russian skill, part federal government blind spot.

The Russians, whose operation was discovered this month by a cybersecurity firm 
that they hacked, were good. After initiating the hacks by corrupting patches 
of widely used network monitoring software, the hackers hid well, wiped away 
their tracks and communicated through IP addresses in the United States rather 
than ones in, say, Moscow to minimize suspicions.

The hackers also shrewdly used novel bits of malicious code that apparently
evaded the U.S. government's multibillion-dollar detection system, Einstein,
which focuses on finding new uses of known malware and also detecting
connections to parts of the Internet used in previous hacks.

But Einstein, operated by the Department of Homeland Security's
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), was not equipped to
find novel malware or Internet connections, despite a 2018 report from the
Government Accountability Office suggesting that building such capability
might be a wise investment. Some private cybersecurity firms do this type of
*hunting* for suspicious communications -- maybe an IP address to which a
server has never before connected -- but Einstein doesn't.

``It's fair to say that Einstein wasn't designed properly,'' said Thomas
Bossert, a top cybersecurity official in both the George W. Bush and Trump
administrations. ``But that's a management failure.''

CISA spokeswoman Sara Sendek said the breaches stretch back to March and
were not caught by any intrusion detection or prevention system. As soon as
CISA received indicators of the activity it loaded them into Einstein to
help identify breaches on agency networks, Sendek said.

CISA is providing technical assistance to affected agencies, she said.

Russia has denied involvement in the intrusions.

The federal government has invested heavily in securing its myriad
computers, especially since the extent of the devastating Chinese hack of
the Office of Personnel Management was discovered in 2015, when more than 20
million federal employees and others had their personal information,
including Social Security numbers, compromised.

But this year's months-long hack of federal networks, discovered in recent
days, has revealed new weaknesses and underscored some previously known
ones, including the federal government's reliance on widely used commercial
software that provides potential attack vectors for nation-state hackers.

The FBI and DHS are investigating the scope and nature of the breaches,
which intelligence officials believe were carried out by the Russian Foreign
Intelligence Service (SVR). Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) on Tuesday
publicly acknowledged as much, tweeting that the Senate received a
``classified briefing on Russia's cyberattack [that] left me deeply alarmed,
in fact downright scared.''

The Russians reportedly found their way into federal systems by first
hacking SolarWinds, a Texas-based maker of network-monitoring software, and
then slipped the malware into automatic updates that network administrators,
in the federal government and elsewhere, routinely install to keep their
systems current. The company reported that nearly 18,000 of its customers
may have been affected worldwide.

More broadly, the hack highlighted the struggles of the government's
network-monitoring systems to detect threats delivered through newly written
malicious code communicating to servers not previously affiliated with known
cyberattacks. This is something advanced nation-state hackers, including
from Russia, sometimes do -- presumably because it makes intrusions harder
to detect.

The full scope of the hack remains unknown, though it's already clear that a
growing number of agencies have been penetrated, including the departments
of State, Treasury, Homeland Security and Commerce, and the National
Institutes of Health. They are among victims that include consulting,
technology, telecom, and oil and gas companies in North America, Europe,
Asia and the Middle East.

The Pentagon was assessing Tuesday whether there had been intrusions at the
sprawling department and if so what impact they may have had, a spokesman

Emails were one target of the hackers, officials said. Though it's not yet
clear what the Russians may be intending to do with the information, their
victims, including a variety of State Department bureaus, suggest a range of

At State, they may want to know what policymakers' plans are with respect to
regions and issues that affect Russia's strategic interests. At Treasury,
they may have sought insights into potential Russian targets of
U.S. sanctions. At NIH, they may be interested in information related to
coronavirus vaccine research.

As the investigative work continues, some lawmakers are focused on probing why 
and how federal cybersecurity efforts have fallen short despite years of 
damaging hacks by Russian and Chinese spies and major federal investments in 
defensive technologies.

Einstein, which was developed by DHS and is now operated by CISA, was
supposed to be a backbone of federal protection of civilian agency
computers, but the 2018 GAO report found significant weaknesses.

The capability to ``identify any anomalies that may indicate a cybersecurity
compromise'' was planned for deployment by 2022, the report said. It also
said that network monitoring by individual agencies is spotty. Of 23 federal
agencies surveyed, five ``were not monitoring inbound or outbound direct
connections to outside entities,'' and 11 ``were not persistently monitoring
inbound encrypted traffic.'' Eight ``were not persistently monitoring
outbound encrypted traffic.''

``DHS spent billions of taxpayer dollars on cyber defenses and all it got in
return was a lemon with a catchy name,'' said Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), a
member of the Senate Intelligence Committee. ``Despite warnings by
government watchdogs, this administration failed to promptly deploy
technology necessary to identify suspicious traffic and catch hackers using
new tools and new servers.''

It wasn't just this administration.

  [But it does take an Einstein to get it right?  PGN]


Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2020 13:40:09 -0500
From: Gabe Goldberg <g...@gabegold.com>
Subject: More Hacking Attacks Found as Officials Warn of Grave Risk to
  U.S. Government (NYTimes)

``Governments have long spied on each other but there is a growing and
critical recognition that there needs to be a clear set of rules that put
certain techniques off limits.  One of the things that needs to be off
limits is a broad supply chain attack that creates a vulnerability for the
world that other forms of traditional espionage do not.''  [Attributed to a
Mr Smith]


Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2020 8:59:11 PST
From: Paul Saffo <p...@saffo.com>
Subject: Harvard Gazette interviews Russia expert Paul Kolbe on Russian
  hacking of government computer systems (Christina Pazzanese)

Harvard Gazette, 16 Dec 2020

Revelations of cyberattacks on U.S. likely just `tip of the iceberg'
Espionage aimed at government, big business was `sustained, targeted,
far-reaching', analysts say



Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2020 18:55:02 -0500
From: Gabe Goldberg <g...@gabegold.com>
Subject: Hyundai and Kia Woes Continue as Nearly 425,000 Vehicles Recalled
  Over Engine Issues (The Drive)

The independent Center for Auto Safety <https://www.autosafety.org/> has
been particularly outspoken about how owners have been treated by the two
manufacturers.  ``Hyundai is recalling another 129k vehicles for fire risk,
but because the current recall only covers certain Hyundai vehicles, despite
other ones having the exact same engines, we don't think this recall is the
end of this story,'' the center said in a tweeted statement.

``When consumers are telling their car company and their government their
cars are catching on fire, it should not require a third-party watchdog to
force life-saving action, but that's exactly what happene here,'' said Jason
Levine, executive director of the Center for Auto Safety, in a press
release.  ``Far too many Hyundai owners had their horror stories dismissed
as freak occurrences or anomalous. Today's recall demonstrates that where
there's smoke there's fire.''



Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2020 11:07:51 +0800
From: Richard Stein <rmst...@ieee.org>
Subject: Boeing inappropriately coached test pilots during review of 737 Max
  after crashes, Senate investigators say (WashPost)


Self-certification authority transferred to the aviation industry has
weakened the FAA's independence and regulatory effectiveness.

Delegation of certification authority to industry accelerates commercial
operations; independent regulators impede product delivery through their
enforcement and oversight processes.

Government whistleblowers experience retaliation from their superiors
because they refuse to "play ball" deters public safety advocacy.

Self-certification and self-regulation have been promoted by the Federal
government. "FAA Is Not Alone In Allowing Industry To Self-Regulate,"
identifies the Interior Department Bureau of Safety and Environmental
Enforcement -- the offshore carbon extraction practice regulator that
contributed to the Deep Water Horizon disaster -- as another spectacular
example. The Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Agriculture
routinely practice "light touch" regulation or outright industrial
capitulation to enable profit pursuit.

Protecting public health and safety is a government's primary function.
Urgent reconsideration of their elected service is appropriate when specific
enforcement measures are regarded with impunity.


Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2020 16:26:01 +1100
From: Edwin Slonim <eslo...@minols.com>
Subject: Global google services outage 12/14 -- delay in repair

The preliminary report contains this fascinating note in Additional Details:
"Many of our internal users and tools experienced similar errors, which
added delays to our outage external communication."

Preliminary Incident Statement while full Incident Report is prepared.

(All Times US/Pacific)
Incident Start: 2020-12-14 03:45
Incident End: 2020-12-14 04:35
Duration: 50 minutes;

   - Services: Google Cloud Platform, Google Workspace
   - Features: Account login and authentication to all Cloud services
   - Regions/Zones: Global


Google Cloud Platform and Google Workspace experienced a global outage
affecting all services which require Google account authentication for a
duration of 50 minutes. The root cause was an issue in our automated quota
management system which reduced capacity for Google's central identity
management system, causing it to return errors globally. As a result, we
couldn't verify that user requests were authenticated and served
errors to our users.  Customer Impact:

   - GCP services (including Cloud Console, Cloud Storage, BigQuery, Google
   Kubernetes Engine) requiring authentication would have returned an error
   for all users.
   - Google Workspace services (including Gmail, Calendar, Meet, Docs and
   Drive) requiring authentication would have returned an error for all users.

Additional Details:

   - Many of our internal users and tools experienced similar errors, which
   added delays to our outage external communication.
   - We will publish an analysis of this incident once we have completed
   our internal investigation.


Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2020 19:31:17 -0500
From: Monty Solomon <mo...@roscom.com>
Subject: Military-grade camera shows risks of airborne coronavirus spread

To visually illustrate the risk of airborne transmission, The Washington Post 
used an infrared camera capable of detecting exhaled breath.



Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2020 20:57:04 -0500
From: Gabe Goldberg <g...@gabegold.com>
Subject: National Weather Service faces Internet bandwidth shortage,
  proposes access limits (WashPost)

Agency floats a solution to problems that could hobble private companies and
affect popular weather apps.

The Weather Service held a public forum Tuesday to discuss the proposal and
answer questions. When asked about the investment in computing
infrastructure that would be required for these limits to not be necessary,
agency officials said a one-time cost of about $1.5 million could avert rate
limits. The NOAA budget for fiscal 2020 was $5.4 billion.

Buchanan, however, stated the actual cost to address the issue would be
higher because the $1.5 million “would comprise just one component
of what has to be a multifaceted solution.”

The officials at the forum also said that senior management at the Weather
Service was aware of the relatively small cost of addressing the issue but
that the agency faced “competing priorities.”

Buchanan said data dissemination is a priority for Weather Service
leadership but that it is *continuously weighed�* against others.

When officials at the forum were asked if Congress was aware of the agency's
data dissemination challenges, they said that they did not know.



Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2020 13:42:13 -0500
From: Gabe Goldberg <g...@gabegold.com>
Subject: Facebook' Tone-Deaf Attack on Apple (NYTimes)

The company declared in newspaper ads that it was ``standing up to Apple.''
It's a desperate ploy that's unlikely to work.


What's Facebook doing pretending to be on the high/moral ground in this


Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2020 10:29:05 -1000
From: geoff goodfellow <ge...@iconia.com>
Subject: Exfiltrating Data from Air-Gapped Computers via Wi-Fi Signals
  -- Without Wi-Fi Hardware (The Hacker News)

A security researcher has demonstrated that sensitive data could be
exfiltrated from air-gapped computers via a novel technique that leverages
Wi-Fi signals as a covert channel -- surprisingly, without requiring the
presence of Wi-Fi hardware on the targeted systems.

Dubbed "*AIR-FI* <https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.06884>," the attack hinges on
deploying a specially designed malware in a compromised system that exploits
"DDR SDRAM buses to generate electromagnetic emissions in the 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi
bands" and transmitting information atop these frequencies that can then be
intercepted and decoded by nearby Wi-Fi capable devices such as smartphones,
laptops, and IoT devices before sending the data to remote servers
controlled by an attacker.

The findings were published today in a paper titled "AIR-FI: Generating
Covert Wi-Fi Signals from Air-Gapped Computers" by *Dr. Mordechai Guri*
the head of R&D at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev's Cyber-Security
Research Center, Israel.

"The AIR-FI attack [...] does not require Wi-Fi related hardware in the
air-gapped computers," Dr. Guri outlined.  [...]


Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2020 11:29:25 -1000
From: geoff goodfellow <ge...@iconia.com>
Subject: Cheap GPS jammers a major threat to drones

*Blog Editor's Note: We are not sure the drone and autonomous community have
really come to grips with this issue. *

*The article mentions interference with a display involving hundreds of
drones. There have been other incidents, of course, in China and elsewhere.
One example is the UK accident we reported on that could have resulted in a
fatality, according to the government's investigation report

*We agree with the below article that GPS/GNSS receivers should include
better hardware and software to make them more resilient to jamming and

*That's only part of the solution, though. A holistic approach is needed if
GPS/GNSS is to be managed property. We agree with the Protect, Toughen, and
Augment scheme advocated by the National Space-based Positioning, Navigation,
and Timing Advisory Board.*

*PROTECT: GPS/GNSS signals with the right kinds of laws and regulations,
interference detection, and enforcement action, *

*TOUGHEN: Receivers and users with better software and equipment, and*

*AUGMENT: GPS/GNSS signals with other signals/sources of PNT information.*

*Jammers that can be bought for as little as $50 threaten commercial drones,
but there are options.*

With rotors whirring and airframes hurling through the air, drones can be
very dangerous when flights don't go as planned. There's been much teeth
gnashing over the FAA's measured approach to commercial drone policy
adoption, but the fact is there are real dangers, including from bad actors
using inexpensive GPS jammers.

GPS signal jamming technology is evolving, decreasing in size and cost.
Today, jammers can be bought online for as low as $50. Long a threat to
military assets, jamming is now a commercial concern as commercial drone
deliveries become a reality, and attacks are becoming pervasive globally.
This threat now affects commercial, law enforcement, and defense drones on
critical missions.  [...]


Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2020 10:21:01 -0800
From: Rob Slade <rmsl...@shaw.ca>
Subject: Betting on the election

Betting on elections is not legal in the US, but, with masses of offshore
betting sites, that doesn't really prevent Americans from doing it.  You can
bet on pretty much anything these days, as long as you can get someone else
to take the other side of the bet.  (With the betting sites taking a cut.)

For the sites, there is going to be some political analysis in setting the
initial odds of an election, but later in the game the odds tend to reflect
how people are betting, as the sites try to ensure that they aren't too
exposed in the event of an unexpected outcome.  The Trumpists were out in
force during the last election.  The odds on Trump got shorter and shorter
as his supporters bet more and more.

Betting sites don't report much, and certainly not to any central authority,
so we don't know for sure how much money was wagered.  But it was a massive
amount, and Trumpists lost their shirts.


The risks are fairly obvious ...


Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2020 18:45:40 -0500
From: Gabe Goldberg <g...@gabegold.com>
Subject: Vaccinated? Show Us Your App (NYTimes)

Covid-19 health pass apps could help reopen businesses and restore the
economy. They could also unfairly exclude people from travel and workplaces.

Among all the tools that health agencies have developed over the years to
fight epidemics, at least one has remained a constant for more than a
century: paper vaccination certificates.

In the 1880s, in response to smallpox outbreaks, some public schools began
requiring students and teachers to show vaccination cards. In the 1960s,
amid yellow fever epidemics, the World Health Organization introduced an
international travel document, known informally as the yellow card. Even
now, travelers from certain regions are required to show a version of the
card at airports.

But now, just as the United States is preparing to distribute the first
vaccines for the virus, the entry ticket to the nation's reopening is set to
come largely in the form of a digital health credential.

In the coming weeks, major airlines including United, JetBlue and Lufthansa
plan to introduce a health passport app, called CommonPass, that aims to
verify passengers' virus test result-- and soon, vaccinations. The app will
then issue confirmation codes enabling passengers to board certain
international flights. It is just the start of a push for digital Covid-19
credentials that could soon be embraced by employers, schools, summer camps
and entertainment venues.

``This is likely to be a new normal need that we’re going to have
to deal with to control and contain this pandemic,'' said Dr. Brad Perkins,
the chief medical officer at the Commons Project Foundation, a nonprofit in
Geneva that developed the CommonPass app.



Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2020 10:57:26 +0800
From: Richard Stein <rmst...@ieee.org>
Subject: Devices Used In COVID-19 Treatment Can Give Errors For
  Patients With Dark Skin (npr.org)


"The common fingertip devices that measures oxygen in the blood can
sometimes give misleading readings in people with dark skin, according to a
report Wednesday in The New England Journal of Medicine."

The NEJM report "Racial Bias in Pulse Oximetry Measurement," retrieved from
https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2029240 on 17DEC2020 DOES NOT
identify pulse oximeter suppliers or manufacturers used in their study.

The NEJM report identifies ~12% "incorrect measurement" events from
fingertip pulse oximeter devices within their patient cohort.

Fingertip oximeters are applied to measure patient oxygen blood saturation,
an important pulmonary function indicator. Under the COVID-19 pandemic, an
estimated ~114K hospitalizations are identified (See
https://covidtracking.com/data/charts/us-all-key-metrics, retrieved on
17DEC2020). It is doubtful that fingertip oximeter suppliers possess the
capacity to follow up on "incorrect measurement" reports.

MDRs are routinely submitted by manufacturer representatives in response to
injury, malfunction, death or causes arising from a host of regulated
devices. These include pacemakers/ICDs, neuro-stimulators, periotenial
dialysis systems, hip and knee replacements, intraocular lens, etc.  Given
COVID-19 incidence per
https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#demographics, the FDA medical
device report (MDR) data summarized below suggests substantial

The FDA's product classification platform @
using "oximeter" as a search key returns 13 distinct product codes: DPZ,

Using FDA TPLC @
https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfTPLC/tplc.cfm with each
product shows reveals DQA and MUD retrieve substantial (more than ~100)
medical device reports between 2015-2020. These MDRs include both
anesthesia-grade oximeters with a fiber-optic catheter, and the standalone
fingertip gizmos purchased off-the-shelf at amazon.com for US$ 25.

The DQA product codes TPLC report lsits seven (7) recalls between
2015-2019. The latest recall was in 2019 for a nasal oximeter from Xhale
Assurance, Inc. See
retrieved on 17DEC2020.

The top-10 DQA device problems in CSV format are:

"Device Problems","MDRs with this Device Problem","Events in those MDRs"
"Incorrect Measurement",1685,1685
"Display or Visual Feedback Problem",904,904
"Device Operates Differently Than Expected",567,567
"Failure To Run On AC/DC",392,392
"Device Stops Intermittently",377,377
"Low Readings",254,254
"No Display/Image",205,205
"Inappropriate or Unexpected Reset",198,198
"Battery Problem",187,187
"Sensing Intermittently",167,167

The top-10 DQA patient problems traced to the device problems in CSV format

"Patient Problems","MDRs with this Patient Problem","Events in those MDRs"
"No Consequences Or Impact To Patient",3028,3028
"No Known Impact Or Consequence To Patient",2019,2019
"No Patient Involvement",929,929
"No Information",118,118
"Pressure Sores",52,52
"Low Oxygen Saturation",37,37
"Skin Irritation",16,16

The top-10 MUD device problems in CSV format are:

"Device Problems","MDRs with this Device Problem","Events in those MDRs"
"Low Readings",82,82
"Incorrect Measurement",28,28
"Incorrect, Inadequate or Imprecise Resultor Readings",25,25
"High Readings",15,15
"Contamination /Decontamination Problem",14,14
"Sensing Intermittently",9,9
"Adverse Event Without Identified Device or Use Problem",9,9
"Failure to Analyze Signal",7,7
"Loss of or Failure to Bond",6,6

The top-10 MUD patient problems traced to the device problems in CSV format

"Patient Problems","MDRs with this Patient Problem","Events in those MDRs"
"No Consequences Or Impact To Patient",128,128
"No Patient Involvement",20,20
"No Known Impact Or Consequence To Patient",18,18
"No Information",13,13
"Skin Irritation",5,5
"Pressure Sores",4,4


Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 10:06:19 -1000
From: the keyboard of geoff goodfellow <ge...@iconia.com>
Subject: An Internal Medicine Doctor and His Peers Read the Pfizer Vaccine
  Study and See Red Flags (Naked Capitalism)

IM Doc, an internal medicine practitioner of 30 years, trained and worked in
one of the top teaching hospitals in the US for most of his career before
moving to a rural hospital in an affluent pocket of Flyover. He has been
giving commentary from the front lines of the pandemic. Along with current
and former colleagues, he is troubled by the PR-flier-level information
presented to the public about the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, at least
prior to the release of an article in the New England Journal of Medicine on
the Pfizer vaccine: *Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19
Vaccine* <https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2034577>.  However, he
did not find the study to be reassuring. He has taken the trouble of writing
up his reservations after discussing the article with his group of nine
physicians that meets regularly to sanity check concerns and discuss the
impact that articles will have on their practices.  [...]


Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2020 10:36:45 -0800
From: Rob Slade <rmsl...@shaw.ca>
Subject: More Differential Privacy for Ordinary Security Mavens

In the first account I composed, O Mystikophilus, I began to tell of all
that differential privacy was and could do for us.

People misunderstood.

Which is, perhaps, only to be expected.  After all, we still don't agree
what privacy is.  It is pretty much impossible to get a strict and working
definition of what privacy actually is, at least in terms that are useful in
the information age.  Everyone has personal and subjective feelings about
what information is and is not private.

One of the best definitions I've ever come across states that privacy is
your ability to control information about you.  And that ability has never
been absolute.  (And I don't just mean Scott McNealy's "You have zero
privacy anyway.  Get over it.")  We live in communities, and the people
around you can see and hear you, see where you go, note who you talk to.
That's been the reality since we began to be able to talk.  We can,
temporarily, shroud ourselves, whisper to another, or get away from the
group, but our right to privacy is not binary, in the same sense as the
right to life or free speech.  We don't, therefore, have a "right" to
privacy any more than we have the "right to be forgotten" in anything other
than a purely artificial sense.

This is reflected, to an extent, in our laws and constitutions.  They don't
mention much about privacy.  In my original presentation, I was challenged
on this statement by someone from Portugal, who said that Portugal's
constitution *does* we have a right to privacy.  But the right to privacy
that it mentions really only limits what the government can do with
information about you, like the American Privacy Act of 1974.  (Since they
were written about the same time, this is hardly surprising.)  He then said
that the first mention of privacy in an *English* law dates to 1361.  But,
again, *that* law says that the authorities can't look into the window of
your house, and is much more about illegal search than it is about what we
consider private.

In a fairly major sense, differential privacy avoids all of this definition
of privacy issue by not caring what privacy is.  Differential privacy is
more concerned with databases, and queries on databases.  Specifically it
looks at the problems of inference and aggregation attacks.  An inference
attack is where you can infer, from information you are given access to,
information that you are *not* given access to.  For example, suppose I am
given access to a database that holds information about prices, but does not
tell me about supply.  If I see that the price of a certain commodity is
going up, I can infer that the supply is going down, even though I've been
forbidden access to that data.  Aggregation is the ability to find out
restricted information by combining available information, often from a
variety of sources.  The whole field of open source intelligence (OSInt) is
based on this idea.  In database security, inference and aggregation attacks
are a long- standing problem with very few solutions.

We can, of course, try to address the problem by restricting what queries
are allowed.  We can say that individual items can't be reported, and that
only queries on groups of data are allowed.  (Aggregation can be both attack
and defence.)  Unless we are very careful about that, we get the situation
where we say that you can't know Rob Slade's salary, but you can know the
average salary of everyone in Vancouver.  But if we then allow that you can
ask for the average salary of everyone in Vancouver *except* for Rob Slade,
we can aggregate those two queries and infer what Rob Slade's salary is.

So, what can we do about it?  Well, you remember Bell-LaPadula?  Of course
you do.  They came up with a simple security property.  (For
confidentiality.  They were only concerned with confidentiality.)  If you
don't want people to know secret information, don't tell them.  If you are
at a medium security level, you can't see any high security information, and
you can't tell anything to people who are at a low security level.  No read
up, no write down.  Simple.

Ah, if only life were so simple.  But try to build a Bell-LaPadula computer.
(OK yes, I know.  "Multics."  Fine.  Try and build a computer that combines
Bell- LaPadula and Biba.  Come back when you're done.)  However, formal
models *do* give us guidance and can be very useful in getting our minds
around the problem.  So, in 2006, some people thought about how to protect
against aggregation and inference attacks on databases.
(Dwork/McSherry/Nissim/Smith, Calibrating noise to sensitivity in private
data analysis, Proceedings of the Third conference on Theory of

So, some simple principles.  Well, a person's privacy cannot be compromised
by a statistical release if their data are not in the database.  That's
basic.  You can't have your privacy violated if your information isn't
there.  So, how can we make it as *if* your information isn't there?  The
goal of differential privacy is to give each individual roughly the same
privacy that would result from not having their data in the database.
(Hence the "differential" part: there should be no, or next to no,
"difference" in queries whether your data is there or not.)  So the only
functions (mostly statistical) run on the database should not overly depend
on the data of any one individual.

And, *that* leads to the Fundamental Law of Information Recovery: in the
most general case, privacy cannot be protected without injecting some amount
of noise.  And as queries are made on the data of fewer people, you need
more noise.

So how do we get this to work? (to be continued ...)


As I have said, differential privacy is not the type of privacy we normally
think of when we think of privacy.  But it is related, and can be valuable.
Coincident with starting this research and writing on differential privacy,
I have been watching "Search and Rescue: North Shore," which is a terrific
five part documentary series about the team and it's activities.  I believe
it is available for streaming simply by signing up (for free) at:
https://www.knowledge.ca/program/search-and-rescue-north-shore I highly
recommend it.  Not only is it the gorgeous scenery of where I live, and some
of the emergency management people I've trained with, it also has numerous
lessons about planning, training, risk analysis, and other elements
important to security management, security operations, and business
continuity.  It is a wonderful example of film making.  It must have been a
bear to edit, since they not only embedded cameramen with the teams, but, in
a number of cases, had helmet cameras, fixed cameras inside helicopters,
cameras fixed to quad bikes, cameras fixed to rope gear, and even aerial
drone shots, all of which had to be spliced together to create a whole, and
seamless, narrative.

It also gives you yet another example of an inference attack.  Since it
involves real situations, real rescues, and real people, the film-makers had
to get permission from those involved in cases where you could clearly
identify someone.  In some cases, that permission obviously wasn't given,
and faces are blurred out in the final series.  This allows you to infer who
was OK with being involved in the final product, and who was more bashful
(or embarrassed).

As previously noted, aggregation and inference attacks have been a
persistent and intractable problem in database security.  But aggregation
can also be used as a protection.  British Columbia's provincial health
officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, has done a masterful job both of managing the
CoVID-19 pandemic, and leading the communications about it.  For months she
has, on an almost daily basis, provided a great deal of data on the
situation.  However, initially that data was only provided on the five major
health regions of the province.  The reporters asking questions on "The
Doctor Bonnie Show (co-starring Adrian Dix and Nigel Howard)" have
consistently demanded data by towns, schools, and even individual
neighbourhoods.  As Dr. Henry has pointed out, providing data on that level,
when the numbers are small, would allow for inference attacks that could
identify individuals, so only sufficiently large sets of aggregated data are
provided, in order to preserve individual privacy.  As the numbers, of
cases, outbreaks, and even, unfortunately, deaths, have increased, however,
it has become possible to provide information based first on local health
areas, and now on individual towns.  (Hopefully it won't get to the point
where it is safe to provide data on individual neighbourhoods.)

Aggregation may have to be done carefully.  There are situations, and
certain types of data, where you may wish to have anonymization taking place
prior to aggregation.  In those cases, you may even wish to have separate
teams doing the anonymization and the aggregation, and a Brewer-Nash type
firewall between those teams, so that the aggregated data may not be
re-identified.  And, of course, the design of the anonymization and the
design of the aggregated database in such a way that it is not possible to
de-anonymize the data is a non-trivial task.

Aggregation is not a new concept in database security.  We've been using it
for years.  Even decades ago it was part of the notion of data warehousing,
with the idea being that we would use lots of lots of data that had no real
personal information and pull out insights without ever having to risk
someone's personal privacy.  But, as with most simple answers, there are
problems.  In many cases, data can't be completely anonymized and still
remain useful.  And anonymization isn't limited simply to the removal of
personally identifiable information.  Anonymization doesn't even seem to be
enough.  The trouble is, aggregation itself seemed to lead to privacy risks.
At one point Google made a bunch of its search data available to the public.
The feeling was that no personal information had been involved, and
therefore there was no risk to privacy.  However, some privacy experts
started digging into the data, and found that, simply given the volume of
the data, it was, in fact, fairly simple to collect searches related to an
individual, and, in many cases, identify them.  It's also now fairly widely
accepted (except by most of the general public, it seems) that the
aggregation of even trivial posts on social media can result in the
compilation of dossiers that spy agencies of the past would have gladly
killed for.  As has been pointed out, the NSA didn't have to go to all that
trouble to illegally collect data on Americans: they just had to read

So, that leads us to the Fundamental Law of Information Recovery, and noise.


Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2020 12:08:39 -0800
From: Rob Slade <rmsl...@shaw.ca>
Subject: Differential Privacy for Ordinary Security Mavens: noise

Of the CISSP sample questions which I have collected over the decades, one
of my very favorite is this one.:

Which of the following is NOT an effective deterrent against a database
inference attack?

a.      Partitioning
b.      Small query sets
c.      Noise and perturbation
d.      Cell suppression

Answer: b.

Why do I like it so much?  I have found that a lot of people get this one
wrong.  Remember, you are supposed to answer the question asked, from the
answers provided.  We were not asked, "Is it a good idea to add noise to
your database?"  We were asked whether it would help in a specific

First off, let's get rid of a and d. Database inference attacks are an old
and established threat against database systems, and are not subject to many
defences.  Partitioning and cell suppression may not help much, but they do

Now we are left with small query sets (b) and noise and perturbation (c).
Lots of people choose noise and perturbation, because, well, noise.  We
don't want to introduce errors into our databases, do we?  That has to be
the worst (and therefore, in the wording of this question, right) answer.

The thing is that small query sets are, specifically, one of the tools that
you do use to mount inference attacks.  So small query sets are,
specifically, NOT an effective deterrent against a database inference

And what about noise and perturbation? Well, if you are really, seriously,
concerned about inference attacks, introducing small sources of noise and
perturbation (very carefully) *is* a very effective protection.

Sometimes we can add quite a bit of noise, and still have useful information
(and privacy).  The social sciences have a system called "randomized
response" for situations where you want to poll a group or population about
embarrassing or illegal behaviour.  If you want to ask people if they have
ever murdered someone, they'll probably just answer "no."  However, the
randomized response system tells them to flip a coin.  If the coin comes up
heads, answer truthfully.  If the coin comes up tails, then flip the coin
again, and answer "yes" if heads, and "no" if tails.  Since, from outside,
we don't know if the subjects got heads on the first coin toss, we don't
know if they answered truthfully or not to the question.  Since this
preserves their privacy, they are more likely to answer truthfully.  We can,
statistically, remove the "noise" since we know that 25% of the total
answers will be "yes" on the basis of the random coin flipping.

Sometimes the noise we introduce can be done simply on the basis of
rounding.  If we have the classic case of asking "What is the average salary
in Vancouver?" and then asking "What is the every salary for everyone in
Vancouver *except* Rob Slade?" then merely rounding the answers to the
nearest thousand (or even hundred) dollars probably skews the numbers enough
that you won't be able to calculate my salary with any degree of accuracy.

The amount and type of noise that will protect privacy and yet still allow
useful results will likely depend upon the data being collected and the
questions being asked.


Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2020 18:33:25 +0200
From: Amos Shapir <amos...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: AI Can Run Your Work Meetings Now (RISKS-32.40)

George Orwell was an optimist...  Pretty soon Big Brother could not only
watch you, he could tell exactly if* you really *loved him.


Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2020 18:12:55 +0200
From: Amos Shapir <amos...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Former Israeli space security chief says aliens exist, humanity
  not ready (RISKS-32.40)

May I quote a comment to the Jpost article, as posted by "GoldMagnet":

"The main thing that shows that this is false is that anyone in the
universe convinced Trump to not say something, and that he doesn't want
hysteria. No one has ever been able to get Trump to NOT say something."


Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2020 18:29:49 +0200
From: Amos Shapir <amos...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Police Drones Starting to Think for Themselves (RISKS-32.40)

"a special drone ... can follow a particular person or vehicle"

This reminds me of the case of the mistaken shooting of Jean Menezes by
officers of the London Met Police on Jul. 22, 1978

Menezes was mistakenly identified as a suspected terrorist, and then
followed around London by detectives (all believing he was the wanted
terrorist) until shot by a special police team while trying to board a

Now it's technically possible that all of this -- misidentification,
following, and shooting -- might be accomplished by a single drone.


Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2020 11:11:11 -0800
From: risks-requ...@csl.sri.com
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End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 32.41

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