RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest  Friday 31 December 2020  Volume 32 : Issue 43

Peter G. Neumann, founder and still moderator

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This issue is archived at <http://www.risks.org> as
The current issue can also be found at

Happy New Year! What are your predictions? (Rob Slade)
Microsoft says Russians hacked its network, viewing source code (Richard Forno)
Health to be on cyber-security's front line in 2021 (bbc.com)
A Tesla Model S erupted 'like a flamethrower.' It renewed old safety
  concerns about the trailblazing sedans.
Brexit deal mentions Netscape browser and Mozilla Mail (BBC)
"One Minute Left": Hockey, CoVID-19, vaccines, and infosecurity vs hacking
  (Rob Slade)
Ransomware and new virus strains (Rob Slade)
Automatic brake system installed on U.S. railroads ahead of federal deadline
When Nashville Bombing Hit a Telecom Hub, the Ripples Reached Far Beyond
A Better Kind of Cybersecurity Strategy (Peter Dizikes)
Apple loses copyright battle against security start-up Corellium (WashPost)
The U.S. Internet Is Being Starved of Its Potential: 2020 in Review
  (Ernesto Falcon)
First-Ever Quantum Chess Tournament Won by Amazon Researcher (Leah Crane)
Re: Loss of trust is a huge issue (Anthony Thorn)
Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)


Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2020 11:06:03 -0800
From: Rob Slade <rmsl...@shaw.ca>
Subject: Happy New Year! What are your predictions?

Politicians will continue to make stupid and ignorant comments about
CoVID-19 and the vaccines.

People will still get hit by ransomware because they didn't make backups.

Not as many people as you think will be affected by ransomware because the
media, and most companies, will continue to confuse ransomware and

The casino known as cryptocurrency will continue to operate even where
gambling is illegal, and will swing wildly without any particular reason.

The media will continue to write articles completely misrepresenting quantum
computing and its applications because they don't know the difference
between quantum computing and quantum cryptography.

More companies will jump on the differential privacy bandwagon.  Since they
don't know what it actually is, none of them will actually use it.

Yet another security framework will be announced with great fanfare, and a
minor industry will spring up with people consulting and teaching you how to
use it and/or get certified for it.  Because it has a new name, few will
realize that it is just a minor variation on one of the existing security

Even though we have just passed through a pandemic and have had ample
examples of what went wrong with our business continuity plans, BCP will
continue to be ignored.

Ignorance, misinformation, and disinformation will continue to be spread via
social media.

Someone will promote yet another application for blockchain to solve an
intractable problem, in a situation where blockchain technology is
completely irrelevant.


Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2020 14:42:02 -0500
From: Richard Forno <rfo...@infowarrior.org>
Subject: Microsoft says Russians hacked its network, viewing source code

Happy New Year.......?

Microsoft says Russians hacked its network, viewing source code



Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 14:57:55 +0800
From: Richard Stein <rmst...@ieee.org>
Subject: Health to be on cyber-security's front line in 2021 (bbc.com)


  "His worry is that the pandemic has accelerated the digitisation of
  health.  While that has brought benefits such as consultations taking
  place online, he says the investment needed to keep Internet-connected
  systems and devices secure has not kept pace.

  Dr Abed says he often hears security researchers talk about hacking
  insulin pumps to kill someone.  But he says a bigger risk is the fact that
  more devices are being connected together while remaining vulnerable,
  leading to the risk of a cascade effect.  "He adds that his biggest worry
  is that criminals move from just locking organisations out of their health
  data to starting to tamper with it, posing risks to patient safety.

The essay raises the alarm about medical record tampering: Laboratory
results, prescription schedules, pre-existing condition summaries,
diagnostic imaging, biopsy results, etc. may be manipulated to achieve a
specific patient outcome.

Platform privilege escalations, and software supply chain back-doors, are
known to enable system of record modifications that promote tampering for
surveillance or ransomware extortion. Medical record tampering can be

Medical record tampering will require collaboration between medical and
computer security forensic specialists to disprove medical misadventure.
Are law enforcement and public health agencies prepared to engage these

As an aside:

The International Classification of Diseases reveals 114 distinct codes for
"External Causes of Injuries" traced to medical misadventure. Visit
https://icd10cmtool.cdc.gov/, select Fiscal Year "FY2018 - October 1 2017"
and type in "misadventure" in the search bar.

No ICD-10 records are returned searching for "malware," "ransomware,"
"hacking," "patient record," "software," etc. Search for "device" and
there's a code (Y65.51) for "device implanted in correct surgical site"
under "Wrong."


Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2020 08:28:54 -1000
From: geoff goodfellow <ge...@iconia.com>
Subject: A Tesla Model S erupted 'like a flamethrower.' It renewed old
  safety concerns about the trailblazing sedans. ()

Seconds after Usmaan Ahmad heard metallic bangs in his Tesla Model S last
month and pulled off a suburban Dallas thoroughfare, flames started shooting
out of his five-year-old car.

The sound was like "if you were to drop an axle of a normal car" on the
ground, Ahmad, 41, said. Only the car was intact, he recalled. Suddenly, as
he stood on the side of the road, the car ignited in flames, concentrated
around the front passenger-side wheel. "This was shooting out like a
flamethrower," recalled Ahmad, who works in strategy and business
development for a health-care system.

The combustion of Ahmad's car is one of a growing number of fire incidents
involving older Tesla Model S and X vehicles that experts say are related to
the battery, raising questions about the safety and durability of electric
vehicles as they age. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(NHTSA) is evaluating the fire of Ahmad's vehicle in Frisco, Tex., and has
contacted Tesla over the matter, NHTSA spokesman Sean Rushton said this
month. The agency opened an investigation last year into alleged battery
defects that could cause fires in older Tesla sedans and SUVs.  [...]


Date: December 30, 2020 at 3:57:28 AM GMT+9
From: Gordon Lennox <gordon.lennox...@gmail.com>
Subject: Brexit deal mentions Netscape browser and Mozilla Mail (BBC)

  (Via Dave Farber)

Oh dear...

References to decades-old computer software are included in the new Brexit
agreement, including a description of Netscape Communicator and Mozilla Mail
as being "modern" services.  Experts believe officials must have copied and
pasted chunks of text from old legislation into the document.  The
references are on page 921 of the trade deal, in a section on encryption
technology.  It also recommends using systems that are now vulnerable to
cyber-attacks.  The text cites "modern e-mail software packages including
Outlook, Mozilla Mail as well as Netscape Communicator 4.x."



Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2020 10:08:51 -0800
From: Rob Slade <rmsl...@shaw.ca>
Subject: "One Minute Left": Hockey, CoVID-19, vaccines, and infosecurity vs

A while back I wrote up a piece on the lessons that ice hockey brings to
risk management.  Today some lessons from hockey for CoVID-19 management,
and thence to security.

BC Premier John Horgan has already provided the initial sports analogy.  He
pointed out that, when running a marathon race, and the final tape comes in
site, you don't relax.  You dig down and put all your reserves into one
final sprint.  The CoVID-19 point being that we now have a vaccine.  In
fact, more than one, with more showing promise of coming on stream shortly.
But, as the sports analogy suggests, just because we have a vaccine doesn't
mean we stop isolating at home, or physical distancing when out, or
handwashing at every turn, or wearing a mask.

The equivalent hockey analogy is "the final minute."  Hockey periods are
twenty minutes long.  (With some exceptions that we don't need to go into,
now.)  For nineteen minutes, the clock just shows the remaining time in
minutes and seconds.  But, for the final minute of each period, the clock
counts down seconds and tenths of seconds..  Because hockey scores are so
low, people forget how fast hockey is, as a game.  The whole play can go
from end to end, in six seconds (and, in a breakaway, even less).  This
means that, theoretically, in the final minute of a period or a game, the
play can go end to end ten times over.  And I've seen an Olympic gold medal
game decided in the final three seconds.  So, when the final minute comes,
you put everything you've got into the game.

CoVID-19 can be equally fast moving.  Let the Rt number go above one, and
you start getting exponential growth.  As human beings, we only barely
understand linear growth, so we don't automatically see the implications of
exponential growth, but it's what leads to chain reactions and explosions.
So you can have case numbers in single digits and think that you have
everything under control.  And then it gets a little higher, and you think
case numbers in the 30s are OK.  And then you think case numbers in the
hundreds are OK, and then 300s, and then thousands, and all of a sudden your
whole medical system is overwhelmed.  And, at that point, a vaccine becomes
problematic.  Because we don't know how well the vaccine will work on people
already infected.  And gathering people for vaccines might be a problem if
there is high community transmission.  Also, the vaccines we've got aren't
"one and done."  So far the vaccines that have been approved require two
shots, with time between and after, so the "final minute" stretches to
possibly two and a half months even after you get your first shot.  Plus the
fact that the vaccine production is only starting, and the fact that 95%
effective is not 100% effective, so nobody is safe until everybody in the
world is safe, and ...

The first security lesson to take from this is that there is only so much we
can learn from attacking systems.  Many teachers think that teaching
security students to attack systems will teach them valuable lessons.  That
is true, but only so far.  There is one lesson that attacking cannot teach
you, and that is that, when attacking, you only have to be right once.  When
you are defending, you have to be right ALL THE TIME.  In security, you can
never let your guard down.  Not even when you are looking forward to
homomorphic encryption or differential privacy or blockchain or cloud or
whatever new technology you think is going to be the "magic bullet"
"vaccine" that will render security obsolete.  (Spoiler alert: security will
never be obsolete.)

While I was thinking of this, I was also watching the World Juniors.  And
the Canada versus Slovakia game presented another "last minute" lesson.
Something else that tends to happen in the last minute of the game is
"pulling the goalie."  In hockey you are only allowed to have six men on the
ice at any one time.  One of these is generally the goalie.  But in certain
situations, where your team is down by a single goal, and the last minute is
coming up, you sometimes take the goalie off the ice so that you can add an
extra attacker.  This is a desperation move, which is why you only do it
when you are going to lose anyway.  In the Canada/Slovakia game, Canada was
leading two to nothing when they got a penalty in the last few minutes.
This means Canada has to take a man off the ice for a time, and the Slovaks
had a five-to-four man advantage.  Being two goals down, and a man up, the
Slovaks decided it was worth the risk to pull the goalie, give themselves a
six- to-four *two* man advantage, and it paid off: they got a goal.  Then
they got overconfident.  With the teams back at even strength, they pulled
the goalie again, to give themselves a man advantage.  They put the pressure
on in the Canadian zone, but one pass back to their point man at the blue
line hopped over his stick.  As he turned to get it, a Canadian player got
past him and picked up the puck.  Well, when you have the puck and are ahead
of the race, and are facing an empty net, the only question remaining is
whether you will panic, shoot too soon, and miss.  The Canadian player
didn't panic, and the game ended three to one.  (Yet another risk management
lesson from hockey.)

In regard to the pandemic, we are relying on the benefits of the vaccine.
But we can't rely on that too much, or too soon.  As with security, we need
to think of defence in depth.  The vaccine is one layer, but relying solely
on the vaccine is a desperation move, and it carries enormous risks.  We
need to keep using our protections of isolation, handwashing, distancing,
and so forth, right to the end of the game.


Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2020 11:08:21 -0800
From: Rob Slade <rmsl...@shaw.ca>
Subject: Ransomware and new virus strains

Whirlpool has been hit by ransomware.

And a new, and more infectious/transmissible strain of the coronavirus has
been discovered in the UK and other countries.

In both cases, my response is: so what?  We know how to fix this.

In terms of ransomware, there always has been a fix.  Make a backup.  It's
an old protection, and one that protects against a wide variety of threats.
It's not flashy, and it's not the latest new security buzzword.  But it
works.  (And, OK, there are backups that *don't* work against ransomware, or
certain types of ransomware, but there are different types of backups, and
having multiple types of backup is yet another form of backup.  Redundant
backup isn't redundant if you need it.)

In the same way, we know exactly what to do to protect against the novel
"novel coronavirus".  Yes, it is more transmissible.  That means it may
spread more rapidly through the population.  But that will only happen if we
don't take the proper precautions.  And we already know what the proper
precautions *are*.  Stay home as much as you can.  Wash your hands.  If you
must go out, stay six feet or two metres away from people.  (Since the new
strain is more infectious, you might want to increase that to eight feet or
two and a half metres, just to be on the safe side.)  Don't have or go to
parties in person.  (You can Zoom all you want.)  Follow the WHO's Five
Heroic Acts.  Wear a mask for extra protection.  This is not rocket science,
and it's not new.  We know what to do, and all we have to do is do it.

Yes, it's a pain.  Yes, it's inconvenient.  (In both cases.)  Yes, it's
going on for a long time.  (Mind you, in terms of the pandemic, it's a lot
shorter than either world war ...)  But we know what to do.  So don't panic,
and just do it.

Now go make a backup.  And then wash your hands.


Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 10:06:17 +0800
From: Richard Stein <rmst...@ieee.org>
Subject: Automatic brake system installed on U.S. railroads ahead of
  federal deadline (WashPost)


"Forty-one railroads were required to install PTC systems � seven Class I
railroads, Amtrak, 28 commuter railroads and five freight railroads that
regularly host commuter passenger service.

"Nearly 100 host and tenant railroads, associations, service providers and
suppliers were involved in the project, the Federal Railroad Administration

"'At its core, PTC is a risk-reduction system that will make a safe industry
even safer, and provide a solid foundation upon which additional safety
improvements will be realized,' Federal Railroad Administration
Administrator Ronald L. Batory said in a statement."

"BNSF San Bernardino Case Study: Positive Train Control Risk Assessment"
https://rosap.ntl.bts.gov/view/dot/28265 abstract states (select words
CAPITALIZED for emphasis by submitter):

"The Federal Railroad Administration funded the BNSF San Bernardino Case
Study to verify its Generalized Train Movement Simulator (GTMS) risk
assessment capabilities on a planned implementation of the I-Electronic
Train Management System (I-ETMS) positive train control (PTC) system.  The
analysis explicitly simulated a 10-year period of railroad operations.
During simulation, ALL initiating errors and failures of PTC-preventable
accidents were captured and stored along with the entire system state.
Subsequent analysis conducted repeated simulations based on random draws
from these stored initiating system states to generate hazards and accidents
with equivalent statistical confidence of more than 300 years of
conventional Monte Carlo simulation. Subject to model assumptions, Base Case
mean time to accident (MTTA) for collisions by type is: head-head 4.5 years,
head-tail 11.8 years, and sideswipe 2.56 years. An over-speed derailment
accident is predicted with a frequency of once every 8.6 years; risk of work
zone accident is negligible. As modeled, I-ETMS mitigates ALL but negligible
risk of PTC-preventable accidents with a high degree of confidence. A
sensitivity analysis confirms these results. Changes to operating
assumptions that could indicate greater risk in the Base Case actually show
small variance in total risk. However, there is greater variance in the mix
of accidents by accident type. "

One hopes that the GTMS platform, or its latest instantiation, has been
updated to account for "100 host and tenant railroads, associations, service
providers and suppliers" concurrently inter-operating via a common PTC
communication and signaling specification.

PTC deployment opens the supply chain risk doors: network intrusion during
maintenance updates can weaken or corrupt automatic state management.
Operational errors cab arise from human factors.

A simulation is only as good as built-in assumptions and applied stimulus
conditions permit. Were non-deterministic stimulus conditions applied to
GTMS to show that "impossible" incidents are detected and appropriate PTC
actions are initiated in response?


Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2020 00:42:39 -0500
From: Gabe Goldberg <g...@gabegold.com>
Subject: When Nashville Bombing Hit a Telecom Hub, the Ripples Reached Far
  Beyond (NYTimes)



Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2020 11:45:17 -0500 (EST)
From: ACM TechNews <technews-edi...@acm.org>
Subject: A Better Kind of Cybersecurity Strategy (Peter Dizikes)

Peter Dizikes, MIT News 10 Dec 2020 via ACM TechNews, 28 Dec 2020

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Northwestern
University, and the University of Chicago contend Russia's use of North
Korean IP addresses for a cyberattack during the opening ceremonies of the
2018 Winter Olympics underscored the need for a new cybersecurity strategy
involving selective retaliation. Said MIT's Alexander Wolitzky, "If after
every cyberattack my first instinct is to retaliate against Russia and
China, this gives North Korea and Iran impunity to engage in cyberattacks."
After extensive modeling of scenarios in which countries are aware of
cyberattacks against them but have imperfect information about the attacks
and attackers, the researchers found a successful strategy involves
simultaneously improving attack detection and gathering more information
about the attackers' identity before retaliating. Wolitzky added, "If you
blindly commit yourself more to retaliate after every attack, you increase
the risk you're going to be retaliating after false alarms."


Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 01:20:58 -0500
From: Gabe Goldberg <g...@gabegold.com>
Subject: Apple loses copyright battle against security start-up Corellium

Apple lost its copyright lawsuit against Corellium, a small security
research company that sells its customers the ability to more easily find
bugs in Apple's mobile operating system. The federal judge in the case ruled
Corellium's business was protected under the "fair use" provision of
copyright law.



Date: December 29, 2020 at 10:45:00 AM GMT+9
From: Dewayne Hendricks <dewa...@warpspeed.com>
Subject: The U.S. Internet Is Being Starved of Its Potential: 2020 in Review
  (Ernesto Falcon)

  (Via Dave Farber)

EFF, 26 Dec 2020

Over a year ago, EFF raised the desperate need for the United States to have
a universal fiber infrastructure plan in order to ensure that all Americans
can obtain access to 21st century communications technology. Since then,
we've produced technical research showing why fiber is vastly superior to
all the alternative last mile broadband options in terms of its future
potential, published legal research on how the U.S. regulatory system
started getting it wrong (as far back as 2005), and suggested a path forward
at the federal and state level (including legislation) for transitioning the
U.S. communications infrastructure toward a fiber-for-all future.

Since then, the pandemic changed our world, as remote work and education
became a necessity for most people. At the very start of the stay-at-home
orders, EFF expressed our concern that our failure to deliver ubiquitous,
affordable, future-proofed infrastructure is going to hurt the most
vulnerable. People that lack fiber infrastructure are stuck with
second-class Internet access with limited potential as prices continue to
rise, slow speeds become obsolete, and needs for better access grow. Most
notably, in response to these problems, the House of Representatives passed
a universal fiber plan as part of the COVID-19 recovery effort, and we
continue to make the case to the U.S. Senate, which has passed no universal
21st-century broadband plan, as to why Majority Whip Clyburn's Affordable,
Accessible Internet Act is the federal answer.

But so long as our local, state, and federal governments do not prioritize
delivering future-proofed infrastructure to all people, our ability to make
full use of the 21st century Internet will be limited. New services and
applications will be tested and created in Asia, not here, and the next
Silicon Valley premised on high upload low latency applications and services
will not be in California.

America Is Behind by Choices Made by a Handful of Political and Regulatory

A billion fiber optic connections to the Internet are coming online in just
a few years. A large majority of them will be in Asia, primarily led by
China. These connections have already proven to be future-proof, capable of
reaching not just gigabit speeds, but multi-gigabit speeds. Fiber is not
only faster; it's also cheaper long-term.

No other connection even comes close by comparison. The future of the
Internet is going to be fiber. Just not in the United States. Yet. We could
still change this.

But for now, the United States remains woefully behind dozens of advanced
economies, with an overwhelming amount of the infrastructure dependent on
slow legacy infrastructure primarily built in the late 20th century. Those
legacy copper and coaxial cable connections have failed to deliver robust
enough connectivity to handle the immediate remote work and remote education
needs of COVID-19 pandemic. They will not handle the future.

Moreover, their costs are increasing due to obsolescence and will be useless
for future applications and services dependent on high-speed, low latency
access. This lack of ubiquitous fiber is one of the reasons why the United
States is so far behind 5G speeds available, even on downloads (see chart

On average, the United States has the slowest, most expensive Internet
access market among advanced economies, which is choking off the Internet's
ability to be a force for improving American lives while the world marches
forward. What the Internet becomes in the mid-to-late 21st century will not
be an American story, unless we aggressively course-correct our
infrastructure policies soon.

America Doesn't Need a Broadband Plan, it Needs a Fiber Infrastructure Plan

A decade ago, the FCC issued a congressionally mandated National Broadband
Plan establishing a goal of connecting 100 million U.S. homes to 100 mbps
download and 50 mbps upload by 2020. While advancements in national download
speeds have occurred due to some cable industry changes, hybrid
fiber/coaxial cable systems are still failing to deliver robust upload
speeds. In fact, during the pandemic when broadband access demand is
extremely high, cable systems failed to deliver.

Essentially, the COVID-19 crisis increased our Internet usage by a year's
worth of growth in a few weeks.

Fiber was able to handle it, cable was not (and 5G just barely exists). Our
technical analysis of broadband access options found overwhelmingly
conclusive evidence that the inherent capacity in a fiber wire is orders of
magnitude greater than all of the alternative wire and wireless options. And
most recently we are now seeing wireless industry acknowledgement of the
importance of widespread fiber to 5G's future (but an absence of solutions
other than ``give us more money'').

While many in government will talk about how we need to get broadband to
everyone, what they should really be talking about is how we get
21st-century-ready fiber infrastructure to everyone. This distinction is
important because we have already spent billions upon billions of dollars
building broadband with virtually nothing to show for it. That happened
because we subsidized slow speeds on any old network with little expectation
of future increases in capacity. For example, Frontier Communications
received a large amount of federal subsidy but wasn't forced to begin long
term upgrades to cost-efficient fiber, resulting in the telecom carrier's
bankruptcy. They took all those federal dollars straight to the grave
because all that was required was to deliver 10 mbps download/ 1 mbps upload
Internet to as many people as possible. Those federal dollars were then
squandered on propping up obsolete copper networks in rural markets, instead
of long-term fiber, forcing us to have to spend the money again now on

This is why slow networks actually cost more than fiber; the number of years
the investment remains useful is relevant to your total costs. The only
state in the U.S. that appears to have escaped this fate was North Dakota,
where nearly 67% of the state's residents have gigabit fiber (the
U.S. average sits around 30% of households). The reason broadband looks so
different there is because local private and local public providers spent
those dollars on fiber (and notably no national carriers sell broadband in
North Dakota). Big legacy industry would love for the government to continue
to spend large amounts of money on slow speed perpetual subsidies (which is
still happening today from the FCC and in states like California) because it
solves nothing and maintains their slow Internet monopoly.

Continued government spending on this approach though is akin to giving the
Joker a pile of cash and watching him set it on fire.

The Absence of Regulation Is Part of the Problem

The thing that holds back the large national broadband providers is the
resistance to making long term investments in infrastructure as opposed to
short term profits. As noted earlier, large publicly traded ISPs are
ill-equipped to address the national need for fiber because of its high
upfront costs and their standard three- to five-year return on investment
formulas for determining where to build. This is why even densely populated
cities like New York City (NYC) had to spend six years suing Verizon to
expand fiber, despite the fact that it is completely profitable to serve all
of New York City in the aggregate.

There are very few legitimate reasons densely populated cities like Los
Angeles and Oakland aren't near universal fiber at this point. Knowing this,
EFF has called on the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to
simply require every broadband provider providing service throughout a major
city with a population density in excess of 1,000 people per square mile to
give everyone fiber as a condition of doing business in the state. It is
already against state law to discriminate based on socio-economic status and
the evidence is coming in that fiber is going to high-income and skipping
low income neighborhoods. In fact, given that income can serve as a proxy
for race, recent studies are showing that black neighborhoods are being
skipped by fiber in Los Angeles County and high-speed access is being
deployed along in a discriminatory fashion in Oakland that matches past
redlining that occurred with housing.

California's state law is already clear that you aren't allowed to profit
from unreasonable discrimination, but the regulator has to enforce those
laws for it to matter. The FCC can also address this problem, but only after
it reverses the federal deregulation that occurred in 2017 when it repealed
net neutrality as part of the Restoring Internet Freedom Order. When
broadband carriers are required to operate in a non-discriminatory manner
(as required if we treat them as common carriers), it is much more than net
neutrality, it is about how they deliver access infrastructure to the public
as well. Until then, it will be on states and local governments to address
this problem.

Localism in Broadband and Investments in Fiber Will Be How We Get 21st
Century Access to All People

If the large national carriers are ill-equipped to take on the societal
challenge of connecting everyone to robust 21st-century ready access to the
Internet, then we need to explore our alternatives and to rethink the
government's approach. The most promise appears to come from smaller,
locally-held private and public entities who can take on long term patient
investments without being subject to Wall Street fast profit
expectations. Such entities are deploying fiber where national carriers have
long ignored and are building the 21st century in areas previously left
behind such as a Missouri cooperative United Fiber delivering fiber to the
home at a density of only 2.5 people per square mile or the joint venture
between Alabama Power (the state's electric utility) and Mississippi's
C-Spire to deliver fiber to the home throughout the state of Alabama.


Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 12:35:22 -0500 (EST)
From: ACM TechNews <technews-edi...@acm.org>
Subject: First-Ever Quantum Chess Tournament Won by Amazon Researcher
  (Leah Crane)

ACM TechNews, 30 Dec 2020, via Leah Crane, *New Scientist*, 10 Dec 2020

Amazon researcher Aleksander Kubica won the world's first quantum chess
tournament during the virtual Practical Quantum Computing (Q2B) conference.
Quantum chess incorporates ideas from quantum mechanics, with pieces able to
be placed into a superposition of two locations, for instance, or entangled
with one another. The winner must capture the opponent's king and make a
robust quantum measurement of its location. California Institute of
Technology's Spiros Michalakis said, "It's like you're playing in a
multiverse but the different boards [in different universes] are connected
to each other." Cantwell noted the ultimate goal of quantum chess is to
provide a familiar mechanism for teaching the basics of quantum mechanics.


Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2020 10:51:48 +0100
From: Anthony Thorn <anthony.th...@atss.ch>
Subject: Re: Loss of trust is a huge issue (Mills, RISKS-32.42)

Yes, it really is, and "loss of trust" in democratic institutions is a
principal objective of state-hackers and other anti-democratic actors.  If
not *the* principal objective; can democracy function without trust?

> "The public is not being stupid when they decide what to believe based on
> political biases."

This misses the point that political actors are responsible for escalating
the loss of trust.  So if not stupid then gullible.

Whom do you now trust?  Surely not politicians?
(You never did in the past).


Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2020 11:11:11 -0800
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 address from which you never send mail where the address becomes public!
=> The complete INFO file (submissions, default disclaimers, archive sites,
 copyright policy, etc.) is online.
 *** Contributors are assumed to have read the full info file for guidelines!

=> OFFICIAL ARCHIVES:  http://www.risks.org takes you to Lindsay Marshall's
    searchable html archive at newcastle:
  http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks/VL.IS --> VoLume, ISsue.
  Also, ftp://ftp.sri.com/risks for the current volume/previous directories
     or ftp://ftp.sri.com/VL/risks-VL.IS for previous VoLume
  If none of those work for you, the most recent issue is always at
     http://www.csl.sri.com/users/risko/risks.txt, and index at /risks-32.00
  ALTERNATIVE ARCHIVES: http://seclists.org/risks/ (only since mid-2001)
 *** NOTE: If a cited URL fails, we do not try to update them.  Try
  browsing on the keywords in the subject line or cited article leads.
  Apologies for what Office365 and SafeLinks may have done to URLs.
==> Special Offer to Join ACM for readers of the ACM RISKS Forum:


End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 32.43

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