I was getting a similar result with the same conditions.  I discovered a
major change in the Mysql package that tended to derail RDD. I rolled back
to OpenSuse 11.0 and installed fine. Trouble is, 11.0 is end of life even if
it is quite stable, is still running fine.  Fred, and others on this list I
look forward to your comments on this.


On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 2:41 AM, Bruce Lee Mones

> Hello everyone,
> Got a head scratching issue here. I am building another Rivendell machine
> here as an upgrade to a previous install (doing an install on a separate
> machine then swap with the existing production machine).
> Here are the details:
> machine = singlecore xeon, 1 gig ram, 500 gig sata-hdd, internal sound
> device (temp)
> os = opensuse 11.2
> rivendell ver 2.0.2
> procedure followed:
> 1. installed opensuse 11.2 32bit
> 2. added packman repositories (essentials and multimedia)
> 3. installed dependencies
> 4. installed Rivendell v2.0.2 downloaded from download site
>    a. >./configure --disable-hpi --libexecdir=/srv/www/rd-bin
>    b. >make
>    c. #make install
> 5. configured mysql
>    a. #chkconfig mysql on
>    b. #/etc/init.d/mysql start
>    c. #/usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation
> 6. configured audiostore
>    a. #mkdir /var/snd
>    b. #chown rduser:users /var/snd
> 7. configured sound device
>    a. #rdalsaconfig
> 8. configured rivendell
>    a. copied /<source>/conf/rd.conf-sample to /etc/
>    b. edited rd.conf AudioOwner=rduser and AudioGroup=users
> 9. configured apache
>    a. copied /<source>/conf/rd-bin.conf to /etc/apache2/conf.d/
>    b. #chkconfig apache2 on
>    c. #/etc/init.d/apache2 start
> 10. create Rivendell database
>    a. >rdadmin
>    b. entered root user/pass for mysql
> This is where the issue encountered, I get the "Unable to start Rivendell
> System Daemons!" error. When I start the rivendell daemons on a terminal
> (#/etc/init.d/rivendell start), I get "rdcatchd: aborting - multiple
> instances not allowedStarting Rivendell system daemons".
> Question:
> 1. Has something changed from v.2.0.1 to v.2.0.2? My last successful
> install was v.2.0.1
> 2. From the process above, have I missed something obvious?
> Thanks in advanced for the help.
> Respectfully,
> Bruce Lee D. Mones
> Technical
> Vanguard Radio Network
> Philippines
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