I just got a hand full of ASI 6012 Cards and have a few questions. I am 
using Rivendell 2.0.2 on centos, fromt he paravel broadcast appliance 
disk. I was formerly using an m-audio delta 1010. Is it as simple as 
pulling the delta and installing 2 AS! 6012's to replace it? The ASI's 
have some jumper that seems to be for a card ID, like card 1, card 2. I 
can not find any reference to these jumpers on the asi page, only docs 
for that model are a datasheet that does not mention jumpers, only that 
"up to 8 cards can be used in a single system". Any other Gotchas? 
Obviously I will need to reconfigure the audio settings in rdadmin, but 
if I understand correctly, the HPI drivers are already installed?


Nathaniel C. Steele
Assistant Chief Engineer/Technical Director
WTRM-FM / TheCrossFM

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