Am 01.01.2012 18:45, schrieb Rüdiger:
> Am 31.12.2011 16:30, schrieb Luigino Bracci:
>> Try setting the QTDIR variable. This worked for me in Ubuntu 11.04:
>> $ export QTDIR=/usr/share/qt3
>> $ rdadmin<--- set the keys...!
>   >  $ rdairplay
> Yes. That it. Now i have to find a way to set it system wide and
> permanent for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS...
Answer myself.;)

To set this variable at systemboot..

In terminal:

cd /etc/X11/Xsession.d

sudo touch 90environment

sudo gedit (my fav. editor)

--> type in " export QTDIR=/usr/share/qt3 "

save and reboot.



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