I love Rivendell's abilities and user interface, but to me, this is the
biggest missing feature and the only one that has had me consider
switching to another automation package.  There have been a few
workarounds posted to the list using dropboxes or vnc, but they are not
the same as having this functionality built into the software.

On Mon, 2012-02-20 at 00:16 +1000, Lee Baker wrote:
> Hello fellow rivendellers, I was wondering if anyone out there in the
> community has developed some kind of web based system that integrates
> in with Rivendell.
> It would be handy if there was a solution that allowed for people to
> be able to log in to a web system, view there music logs and then
> record voice tracks directly in to the system.
> I have been playing with drop boxes whereby announcers record their
> voice tracks and then give them a specific name and the drop boxes
> pick those file names up and insert them in to the appropriate cart. 

> I have seen other commercials products that have web based voice
> tracking, not sure how good it works but if Rivendell offered
> something like that it would be fantastic. 
> It would also be handy if you could log in to a web system and view
> logs, music library, edit playlists etc.
> Would there be anything out there like that?
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