Hi, everyone. . .  Rivendell 1.7.1 on Ubuntu 10.04.

What I want to be able to do is to create all of my logs using a combination of 
RDLogEdit and an imported traffic log.  RDLogEdit would contain programming 
elements that are "fixed" to run every week at the same time.  The imported 
traffic log would contain spots that change constantly.

The Rivendell Operations Guide (page 61) says that RDLogEdit can have within it 
a "Traffic Import Link."  In RDLogManager, I have a clock with a blank event, 
directing it to import from traffic.

Do I need another event that tells RDLogManager to use RDLogEdit elements?  Or, 
is there a way that I can tell RDLogEdit to import from traffic?

Here's an example hour of what I want to do:  

This would be a combination of a MONDAY log from RDLogEdit and a traffic log 
made for Mon 2/27/2012. . .

TIME        CART      TITLE

17:00:00    17001     5:00pm Monday Program     (logged in RDLogEdit)
17:13:55    51000     Station Sweeper           (logged in RDLogEdit)
17:14:00    17151     5:15pm Monday Program     (logged in RDLogEdit)
17:27:55    30601     60-second spot            (logged in traffic log)
17:28:55    30301     30-second spot            (logged in traffic log)
17:29:25    30302     30-second spot            (logged in traffic log)
17:29:55    51000     Station Sweeper           (logged in RDLogEdit)
17:30:00    17301     5:30pm Monday Program     (logged in RDLogEdit)
17:57:55    52000     Pre-recorded Newscast     (logged in RDLogEdit)
17:59:55    50000     Legal ID                  (logged in RDLogEdit--timed 
event, for "make next")  
The reason I want to combine logs in this matter is because our programmers are 
not faithful to keeping to a consistent time for their programs, and I want to 
be able to use the "make next" for certain carts in RDLogEdit (sometimes it 
will be the Legal ID, sometimes it will be another cart).  

Is there a way to make this happen (either with this method, or a better way)?


Fred Brucker
Station Manager

WWNL Radio (AM-1080)
5316 William Flynn Highway • Suite 3N
Gibsonia, PA  15044

(724) 443-4844
E-mail:  w...@wilkinsradio.com
Web:  www.wilkinsradio.com
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