One thing I don't get about Myriad's layout is why so much real estate is 
devoted to the width of the NOW, NEXT and LATER events, as well as the width of 
the log in the lower part of the screen. With the absence of any text or useful 
info, that's an awful lot of "white space" going unused.

I get it if the design is going for a 'comfort factor' by emulating the spacing 
found on paper logs of yore. But broadcasters who have come in over the past 10 
years have likely never worked with hardcopy logs and would not see the 

Although I *do* admit I like the ability to color-code the background on 
certain events, as well as assign icons to them (Music, Time, etc). I saw RCS 
do this more than a decade ago, but their icons were extremely cartooney. The 
ones used by Myriad are just subtle enough to be understood without being 
visually intrusive.

Just putting in my .02 milliwatts...

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