On Jun 19, 2012, at 20:39 16, Rich deRobles wrote:

> We are using 1.7.1.  I want to send to a Inovonics RDS encoder 
> port 10001.
> Do I need to load a RLM? How?

Upgrade to 2.x, which has an RLM that will do this.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |               Chief Developer               |
|                           |               Paravel Systems               |
| Easiest Color to Solve on a Rubik's Cube:                               |
|        Black.  Simply remove all the little colored stickers on the     |
| cube, and each of side of the cube will now be the original color of    |
| the plastic underneath -- black.  According to the instructions, this   |
| means the puzzle is solved.                                             |
|                                        -- Steve Rubenstein              |

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