On Thu, 2012-07-05 at 22:00 -0500, Luke Rogers wrote:
> Hi,
> My wife and I are working on starting a radio station on the Internet.
> Neither of us has any significant background in radio. Last year a
> friend helped me install RRAbuntu, and I’ve screened a lot of programs
> and imported a lot into RDLibrary.
Ch 1
at this point you have used a number of cart numbers for music cuts or
programmes or whatever
> Recently another friend sent a clone of the hard disk of a working
> station running Rivendell so that I could get all their programs. I
> opened RDAdmin on the cloned drive and exported the database, then
> opened RDAdmin in RRAbuntu and imported the backup. 

This then set the database to be the same as the station you got the
clone from, but the tracks in /var/snd/ are the ones you put in there in
Ch 1

> (Problem 1) I also tried to copy all the files in the snd directory to
> var/snd, but for some reason the number of files don’t match up. I
> selected “copy all” in the file browser but it’s as if it didn’t
> select all of the files. This probably should have been done through
> the therminal, but I couldn’t figure out quite what to type. (I’m a
> Linux newbie.)

you need to set /var/snd so that whoever you are logged in as can write
to the directory.

in terminal as su may need to be sudo

chown -R [yourlogin]:users /var/snd [enter]

chmod -R 777 /var/snd [enter]

> (Problem 2) Now I want to check that the programs are all there and
> working. When I open RDLibrary in my RRAbuntu installation I see lots
> of carts and files from the operating station, but when I open a cart,
> open a file, and click on the play button nothing happens. So I don’t
> know if the file in the var/snd folder is properly associated with the
> label in the cart.

You dont have permissions set so the above should fix it plus you need
to set up the playout machine as a host RD recognises.

> (Problem 3) I thought I’d go ahead and re-import my programs while I
> figure out the above. I wanted to import my wav and mp3 files as
> mp2’s, so I checked the RDLibrary setting under Hosts in RDAdmin. I
> found two hosts there, both names associated with the station of the
> cloned drive. Do I need both of those? Can I delete one?

When you imported the database you imported the hosts from the clone

I would create a host name based on the top one and delete both them

> (Problem 4) Both of those hosts have Format=MPEG Layer 2 selected in
> RDLibrary config, but when I imported a wav file with rdimport via the
> Terminal, the resulting file was the same size as the original. That
> makes me think that it didn’t convert the wav to mp2.

you are neither of these hosts. I suspect your machine is defaulting to

> I’ve looked through the Rivendell Operations Guide and can’t find
> anything related to these issues. I would be very glad if anyone can
> point me to a resource that will allow me to figure these out by
> myself, because I don’t want to impose too much on the helpful people
> here. But until then... <help?>
> Thanks,
> Luke
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