Didn't copy rd-bin.conf to /etc/apache2/conf.d.  D'OH!  Now, all is well.

On 9/22/2012 7:18 PM, Robert wrote:
> chmod 770 /var/snd/*
> but you also need to check hostname is the same as hostname in rdadmin
> hosts
> and adjust
> i think that does it
> Robert
> On Sat, 2012-09-22 at 18:27 -0400, Dave B wrote:
>> So...new install of Rivendell 2.20 from source on Debian. Restored old
>> database and copied over old files into /var/snd. Ensured /var/snd (and
>> audio files within) was owned by Rivendell user and group. All is well
>> except for the following: When attempting to edit markers for any audio
>> file in rdlibray there is no waveform displayed. The file will
>> play...just no ability to edit markers. And no error messages. Is this a
>> permissions issue? Something else? I've done this reinstall before with
>> no issues, so not sure what went wrong this time...
>> Thanks!
>> Dave
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