On Tuesday 25 September 2012, Alessio Elmi wrote:
> my idea is there's no point to choose a distro just becasue
> of softwares it comes with. I mean, it takes very few
> seconds type something like "apt-get install..." "yum
> install ..." "pacman -S ...." and so on.. Don't take me bad,
> if you can find a distro  which comes with every and only
> things you like is perfect, but during my short experience I
> start loving distro without things and light instead. You
> save bytes, loading time etc.

In a way, you have just said that there IS a point to choose a 
distro for the software it "comes with".

If you can install it with apt-get or yum, the distro does in 
effect "come with" it.   If not, maybe you can add another 
repository (tryphon or deb-multimedia) which is almost as good.  
If not, you can build from source, which a lot of people would 
rather avoid.

Although I would not choose it myself, I agree with Alan 
Peterson that there is great value to many to provide special 
distros that are really variants of other distros pre-configured 
for certain needs.  The very popular "Ubuntu" really is such a 
distro.  It's built on Debian for mainstream users who want a 
nice desktop.
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