Ok Just got the whole web thing figured out (I think). It's now all in /var/www/rd-bin/ and I have /etc/httpd/conf.d/rd-bin.conf in place with the correct path for /var/www/rd-bin/ where it had those variables. I did a restart of apache (service httpd restart) and it's back up and going. I can browse the files in rd-bin with a web browser but I still can't change or delete cuts. I get an error message "Unable to delete cut" or "Audio Import Error: OK". I can add a cut but I can't add audio to it. I change cart and cut properties too.

On 10/18/2012 8:05 AM, Wayne Merricks wrote:
Rivendell uses Apache and a web cgi script to do the importing/exporting.  This was so that you could lock down the /var/snd permissions.

It does seem confusing until you realise all you need to do is make sure the Rivendell web components are in place correctly.

First things first, check to see you have the web files in place: http://localhost/rd-bin/addcart.html

If you get a 404 error then the Apache config hasn't been put in place properly (or the files aren't even there).

Usually on a source install you copy rd-bin.conf to /etc/apache/conf.d/ then restart the Apache service.  There is a gotcha in that if you didn't specify the --libexecdir flag then the generated rd-bin.conf won't have the right path settings and you'll notice it still has a variable name in place (which obviously won't work).

The tricky part is depending on your distribution, the Rivendell web files should be copied to different places (I'm not sure where they get copied if you don't use the --libexecdir flag).

Suffice it to say you either copy them directly to something like /var/www/rd-bin and then amend the rd-bin.conf appropriately or you copy them somewhere in usr space and change the path in rd-bin.conf to reflect that.

Ubuntu seems to like /usr/local/libexec but most other distros I've tried just go straight to /var/www/rd-bin

Wayne Merricks
The Voice Asia
On 18/10/12 13:55, Matthew Chambers wrote:
I know where /etc/rd.conf is but I've not seen a rd-bin.conf or rdexport. my /var/snd/ is set to be owned by the same user:group that the rivendell daemons run as and it is also chmod'd to 777 (everyone do everything)

On 10/18/2012 7:12 AM, Alessio Elmi wrote:
That sounds more like a permissions problem... In my case GUI edit and deleting are ok, but I wanted do it by script.
I think you should check rd-bin.conf setup, rdxport chmod/setuid, var/snd owner/chmod... but I always have problems facing the real guilty.


2012/10/18 Matthew Chambers <matth...@regionalradio.com>
I am having trouble with deleteing and modifying existing carts. When I try to import a new cut, I get a URL Not Valid error

On 10/18/2012 3:07 AM, Alessio Elmi wrote:
You mean using the GUI? Of course it is the best way.. but I needed to
prepare scripts in order to give presenters more flexibility..


2012/10/18 Bruce L.D. Mones <bruceleemo...@bigsound.com>:
On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 3:45 PM, Alessio Elmi <alessio_e...@hotmail.com>
Hey guys,
could you find a way to remove cart by command line tools? Something
like "rdlibrary --delete-cart=XYZ"..
At the moment we manually delete XYZ.wav from /var/snd plus deleting
record in db from "cart" table about cart XYZ. But I am afraid about
ruining the entire db.
Thank you


Is there issues on deleting the cart from within RDLibrary?

Just curious :)


Bruce L.D. Mones

Matthew A. Chambers, CBT
Assist. Broadcast Engineer
300 West Reed Street
Moberly, MO 65270

FAX: 660-269-8811
Cell: 660-676-3219


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