On Tue, 26 Feb 2013, Alessio Elmi wrote:

> Going back to original post... do you think configuration 3 is
> possible? Would it give any benefit?

I'm doing it.

I have a client who runs his automation systems at his transmitter sites 
(one AM and one FM). There is a third Rivendell system in his production 
studio, and files added there are exported to the systems at the two 
sites. This is done with two Perl scripts.

I created a second MySQL database called "Rivendell_sync" on the 
production machine, containing only a CUTS table and a DESTINATIONS table. 
The CUTS table was originally copied from the CUTS table in the Rivendell 
database at one of the sites.

My export script scans the Rivendell_sync CUTS table and compares it with 
the Rivendell CUTS table; if any any additions or changes are detected, 
the corresponding audio file is scp'd to both sites along with a text file 
reflecting the contents of the relevant Rivendell CART and CUTS records. 
Afterwards, it updates the Rivendell_sync CUTS table.

The import script at each transmitter site waits for the text file, which 
is sent after its corresponding audio file, and updates the local CUTS and 
CART tables after copying the newly arrived audio file into /var/snd.

My client does not use schedule codes, so I don't bother to update those.


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