Hey Jerry,
I saw this question a while ago and have been meaning to respond to it.  I’m 
not sure if you have come up with a solution yet or not, but I am going about 
it the same way that John suggested.  Create a cart of silence (you have to 
make an actual .wav of silence for the length of time you desire the fade to 
be.  You can do this in cool edit pro by generating silence).  Make sure that 
you set the Segue Start and Segue End for the length of the silent cart in 
Rdlibrary>cartname>edit markers.  Now you can place this in the schedule and it 
will act as a fade.  I control a satellite uplink here at the studio, so I have 
to stick to a tight schedule.  This method works well to get rid of sudden cut 
offs of audio.  If you have questions, feel free to shoot me an email.

Phil Jennings
Calvary Radio

From: Jerry & Marion Meloon 
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 2:15 PM
To: User discussion about the Rivendell Radio Automation System 
Subject: [RDD] Fade instead of STOP

Any suggestion where I can read of a way to FADE a playing source when we come 
to a live event rather than having to chop audio cold with the STOP button?  
I'm sure it's here; I just can't find it.  

-Jerry Meloon
FBC DuBois, Pennsylvania

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