Without intending to start any religious wars, I'm more familiar with a 
Debian base so I tend to get confused by pacman and yum/yast.  So in a 

Ubuntu 12: Unity likes to crash and freeze you out depending on your 
hardware.  VNC connections are useless due to really bad composited 
desktop setups (I actually like Ubuntu and its my main dev machine 
although I recently switched to Ubuntu Gnome after trying to like Unity 
for at least the past year or so).

Ubuntu also has issues with the Rivendell GPIO driver for Measurement 
Computing, I could never figure out why.

Debian 6: Rock solid, looks a bit dated in its default clothes.  Really 
hard to get working on modern hardware without going backports for 
kernels.  I use this in my main on air studios and my only reason for 
not using it is the hardware support for the modern stuff.

Debian 7: Not even officially released yet but still really stable.  If 
compiling from source Riv 2.1.4 has issues with some undefined types, 
I'm not sure when it was fixed but V2.4+ compile fine.  Only downside is 
the GPIO drivers for measurement computing don't work (yet).

I use Debian 7 with Gnome shell, it works fine with VNC which is nice.  
It also looks quite fancy and minimalist which suits my studios.

Either way, like everyone else has said, if you can't use the appliance 
distro, use what you're familiar with as you'll have to maintain it 
yourself (quite easy with the Tryphon repos).

On 2013-04-08 22:23, Cowboy wrote:
> On Monday 08 April 2013 02:44:53 pm Guy Curtis wrote:
>> I was just ensuring that I would have it running on the most stable 
>> and compatible environment.
>  Well, compatible would be about any Linux based OS.
>  Most stable would be likely any commercially supported OS.
>  Avoid CVS anything, stay with known stable releases, and
>  you should be good to go.

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