Thanks for the kind words Alan. I'm not sure about a bunch of that sed
line. It must have come from a google search. But the parts I do recognize
(because they work in sed and in vi) are the s/.../.../g parts. Those are
search and replace statements. The second one "s/[a-zA-Z&;]//g" looks for
all alpha characters and replaces them with nothing. So if the grep line
returns "Saskatoon Crazy Heavy Snow -40C" that search and replace will
strip out the alpha characters leaving only -40.
Have a great day,

On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 6:42 AM, Alan Peterson

> As both a pro and casual user of Rivendell, I want to take a moment here
> to recognize Michael Smith and Robert Orr in this forum; not only for
> sharing clever solutions in auto-playing Saskatoon temperature carts and
> creating Airplay lists, but for explaining how the scripts they use work.
> A lot of times, a published scripted solution to a Rivendell issue will
> include little more than "Try it" as a footnote. If it weren't for Robert
> going back a second time to say, "XXX grabs the text and YYY strips out
> everything but the temperature", I'd have just rolled through the whole
> subject with a headache, without stopping to try to understand a lick of it.
> It is fantastic that Rivendell was designed to not be a sealed-box
> solution to radio automation, and that users are free to write and use
> whatever they need to make the system work for them. But users have varying
> degrees of competency, tempered by their trepidation to want to stretch and
> learn more. When someone stops to explain the method they published, we all
> become better users. I would like to see more RD Power Users doing that for
> the community.
> It's still going to take me a little while to figure out how
> sed -e :a -e> 's/<[^>]*>//g;/</N;//ba; s/[a-zA-Z&;]//g'`
> can give me the temperature, but at least the description included makes
> me want to try.
> -AP
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