On Jul 7, 2013, at 15:54 11, G Wood wrote:

> Just another comment... my experience with SLES - Suse Linux Enterprise 
> Server has shown excellent stability over long periods of time (6 or more 
> years)  with a guaranteed life span of 7 years by the vendor.  Although SLES 
> 11.2 the latest, SLES 10.x is still supported.   If there was RDD support for 
> SLES, it would be my OS of choice given the stability and extended life span 
> over the freeware versions, even with the cost of the SLES license which in 
> comparison is minimal.  Has there been any thought of RDD / SLES support? 

Oh yes, I'm quite familiar with SuSE.  Long-time subscribers here may remember 
that SuSE was the primary platform on which Rivendell was originally developed 
until late 2010.  I personally moved my development to CentOS at that time, 
mostly in response to a precipitous drop-off in the quality of OpenSuSE (the 
free-as-in-beer variant of SuSE that feeds SLES; analogous to what Fedora is to 

While I haven't personally tested it since OpenSuSE 11.1, I would expect that 
Rivendell's 'make rpm' target will produce working RPMs for SuSE (discounting a 
little inevitable code rot since 11.1).  If anyone wants to pick up downstream 
support for SuSE, I'll gladly accept patches.

> The RDD / Paravel repos you mention  would be a help, can you provide a link 
> to that location?



| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |               Chief Developer               |
|                           |               Paravel Systems               |
|   Some people call them "cars" or "trucks"; I call them "dimensional    |
|   transmogrifiers" because they change three-dimensional cats into      |
|   two-dimensional ones.                                                 |
|                                         -- F. Frederick Skitty          |

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