I need an accurate way to compare the lengths listed for each piece of music in my music scheduling database with the lengths of the corresponding audio files in Rivendell.

It seems to me I could go one of two ways:

1) Use the information in the RIFF header of each file to calculate a length; or

2) Get the length from the CUTS table in the Rivendell database.

My question is: does the LENGTH field in the CUTS database reflect any trimming that may have been done to the start or end of each file in rdlibrary? The RIFF header will surely not reflect any such trimming, and will show a longer running time than that of the trimmed file.

The reason for this question is that I have a client who is reporting his station is consistently running late, no matter how carefully he makes each hour contain exactly 3600 seconds of content. My guess is some events are longer than he thinks they are, and I want to identify them.

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