On Friday 16 August 2013 09:15:13 pm al davis wrote:
> That is misleading.

 And that is precisely the point, and the reason this question
 comes up so often !

 To shorten the story greatly, db is ALWAYS a power ratio reference
 by definition. Hence, zero was defined ( correctly so ) by Ma Bell
 many many years ago, when I was just a little lad, as 1 mw in
 600 ohms, *THE* reference for all things bel.

 ( side note. Ma Bell deliberately defined the range to track the response
 of the human ear ( or human eye ) so as to relate directly to human
 perception of sound ( or light ) ratios )

 Some years later, somewhere across the pond, 0 was incorrectly
 defined as 1 volt. Since voltage is not power, this is and was
 incorrect, and so has caused much confusion ever since.

 It *is* misleading.

 As long as anyone attempts to define voltage in terms that mean power,
 it will always be misleading. ( and it's now so entrenched, we can expect
 this will continue in perpetuity )



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