On Sep 17, 2013, at 08:40 10, nathan lawson wrote:

> Is there a piece of software in the rivendell suite that handles split ads? 
> We have a machine with 3 outputs (1 FM, 1 DAB and 1 for the web feed) and 
> want to feed different ads to them, before i go out and purchase expensive 
> software i was wondering if there was a part of the suite we can send a 
> command to, to fire the breaks?

The breakaway mode in RDCartSlots can do this.  Set the input and output for a 
slot in RDAdmin->ManageHosts->RDCartSlots, configure your cover spots in 
RDAdmin->ManageServices->ConfigureAutofillCarts, then put the slot into 
'Breakaway' mode with the appropriate service.  To trigger an actual breakaway, 
use the 'DX' RML.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |               Chief Developer               |
|                           |               Paravel Systems               |
|  Some people say a front-engine car handles best.  Some people say a    |
|  rear-engine car handles best.  I say a rented car handles best.        |
|                                          --P.J. O'Rourke                |

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