Hey all,

Last night I upgraded from our station's (WDRT, Viroqua, WI) three-year-old
Rivendell system (was running 2.0.2).

Background: our system consists of five individual "workstations" -
two studio computers running nothing but rdairplay, two office
workstations used for building logs and for library maintenance, and a
virtual machine hosting the Rivendell database. I compiled Rivendell
from source on each of the systems.

The upgrade went flawlessly. Kudos to Fred and the other developers
for making it so painless, thanks!

I ran into one hitch, and I'm not sure why it wasn't affecting us with
version 2.0.2. The audio store ("/var/snd") is NFS mounted from a
FreeNAS file server, and the export settings on the file server were
such that user 'root' on the rdlibrary workstations did not have
permission to write to /var/snd. This broke rdimport (and importing in
rdlibrary). The error from rdimport was "Audio Converter Error: Unable
to create destination file, skipping". This threw me for a loop
because as our AudioUser (in /etc/rd.conf) I could create and remove
files in /var/snd. It turns out that /usr/local/libexec/rdxport.cgi is
(as I would expect) owned by user 'root' and has the SetUID bit turned
on. So the user trying to create the files was 'root'. I verified that
this was the problem with "sudo touch /var/snd/foo", which also

I corrected this situation by setting the FreeNAS export options
"Mapall User" and "Mapall Group" to our AudioOwner and AudioGroup, and
re-mounting the NFS file system.

I suspect (but didn't try) that setting the ownership of
/usr/local/libexec/rdxport.cgi to the "AudioOwner" with SetUID enabled
might have had the same effect, but I'd rather not touch the installed
files after running "make install" in the Rivendell source directory.

I hope this helps someone else with a wayward NFS-based Rivendell

Thanks again for the great automation system and for supporting Free


  ~David Klann

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