:) I've added mp3val to my "to install list" because i use that small tool to automatic repair mp3 content inside my importscript.

mp3val -f *.mp3
rm *.bak
rdimport --drop-box --log-mode -- ...

Sometimes i get korrupt mp3 files from "Superfast Windows MP3 encoders" or flashmic's. And in 99% mp3val can fix that very fast.

On 18.10.2013 04:40, Fred Gleason wrote:
On Oct 17, 2013, at 22:18 57, Geoff Barkman wrote:

According to synaptic (an Ubuntu package manager)
mp3val is a program for MPEG audio stream validation.

Thanks.  So it is a stand-alone utility:


At first I thought it might be some sort of subpackage for lame.

I strongly suspect that the involvement of mp3val in resolving Nate's problem 
was purely coincidental.  Stock Rivendell does not use it in any way.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |               Chief Developer               |
|                           |               Paravel Systems               |
|    Take care of the molehills, and the mountains will take care of      |
|    themselves.                                                          |
|                                 -- Motto of the Federal Civil Service   |

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