
Your message got cut off as it ended up in the subject line. Did you install via the repo or manual source compile?

I'm also guessing you mean Ubuntu Precise (12.04)?

Importing is usually an apache problem, have you checked localhost/rd-bin/addcart.html exists? You'll probably have to copy the rd-bin.conf into /etc/apache/conf.d and restart the service.

Not really sure about the buffer overflows but see how you go with that lot first.

On 2013-10-22 23:26, Tim Camp wrote:

Greetings, writing this morning as someone who has been up for two days and at my wits end upgrading six machines from 1.7.2 to 2.5.3 I have a bunch of weird problems. Much of this may be that I am just overlooking something, since I had a stroke my memory of things I used to know is a bit vague. first I have one machine brand new box brand new install of precise debian, it reaches certain cuts in the log and rdairplay closes with a buffer overflow error, this is repeatable over and over at the same place in the log, however the same log runs fine on other machines. I have done three different clean installs of os and rivendell on this machine and have the same result. I have a identical machine in another studio that works fine except for my other problem below. The other problem is that I can't import on any machine, I can record, but can't import, get audio converter error can't create file in destination . rdcatch seems to import downloaded files fine, so for two days we haven't

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