Well, looks like it went through. First one in months....

Nathaniel C. Steele
Chief Engineer/Technical Director

On 11/20/2013 3:32 PM, Nathan Steele wrote:
I want to experiment with moving our wideorbit based station to Rivendell. If I setup a new RD system with our current stations DB, and add a new station and import it's music, how can I later merge the current stations DB (which will have been running LIVE during this test, having new songs and spots and whatnot added), to the new combined setup?

What else do I need to lookout for trying to run two stations on a shared server/DB? I know how to setup the services and user access and all that.

The ultimate goal being:

1) saving my sanity not trying to maintain two disparate automation systems, and we had to let our costly wide orbit support contract expire.

2) being able to use either studio for either station, would be great for maintenance or emergency situations.

Fred I copied you on this as I don't think I've resolved my issue of emails not going to the list from my work computer, I hope you don't mind. I'd like to get that resolved but I'm lost on it at the moment.

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