Hello (again),

You've been very helpfull so far (thanks a LOT!) and I think the station I'm 
working on is almost there. But, yet again, we've run into a problem my system 
manager (handy guy) can't fix. Here's what he wrote:


We migrated from our "test" Rivendell machine to the final one it will 
eventually be.  We created a new host, and removed the old test host from the 
system.  Unfortunately, now Rivendell no longer creates any jack ports for us 
which we can route to our central audio server.  In fact, when I do "jack_lsp" 
I only see the (networked) audio card.  rivendell_0 isn't there.

When I click manage hosts and edit audio ports, everything is greyed out.  It 
says driver "UNKNOWN" and I can't seem to edit anything.  I'm not sure where to 
proceed from here.  I'm pretty sure this is connected to the changing of the 
hostnames.  Which seemed logical at the time, but in hindsight maybe wasn't 

Either way, how can I get Rivendell to create jack ports again?

Some extra information: our audio card consists of a firewire interface to a 
digital mixing desk.  It is on a server dedicated only to the firewire 
interface.  Rivendell should not (and cannot) worry about audio cards/routing 
of audio in our case.  All it needs to do is just create the relevant jack 
ports on startup and our audio server can do the rest.


If you know the answer to this, please let me know!

Kind regards,

Peter van Embden
Rivendell-dev mailing list

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