Empty logs seems like some sort of error. Try generating a log from the terminal and you'll get all the output:

rdlogmanager -g -d 0 -s Production > ~/logs.log

0 = tomorrow's log

Production = the name of your service to generate a log for

After this runs you will get a logs.log file with all the output that might give you some hints as to what is/isn't happening.

On 2013-12-24 11:57, Peter van Embden wrote:

I have yet another question. This time it's about the logs. I've read
and followed this manual:

But my log remains almost empty. The only thing scheduled is the
hard-timed TotH I made.

I've created an event called "random":

        * NO "cue to this event"
        * NO "timed start"
        * NO "enforcing length"
        * NO "pre-import carts"
        * IMPORT select from MUSIC, title seperation 1, must have code is
        * FIRST CART has a SEGUE
        * IMPORTED CARTS have a SEGUE
        * NO "post-import carts"

The event is set to the right SERVICES LIST

The clock is made out of 1 "TotH" event and the rest are "random"
events every 3 or 4 minutes. Clock is set to the right service.
Scheduler rules are all but two set to MAX 999 and WAIT 0, except for
two codes I don't want to be included, those are set to MAX 0 and WAIT
999. Artist seperation is set to 1.

When I create a log, it calculates a little and then says "No Errors"
and "No exceptions found". Log is obvisiously created in the right

When I put some songs in the "random" event PRE-IMPORT, those songs
are put into the log. But only once an hour, where I scheduled some 16
or 18 of the "random" event in the clock.

We run Rivendell 2.6.0 on CENT OS 6.5. Our database now consists of 4
songs, a TotH and a jingle. Working on the database though, importing
loads of music and quite busy coding all the songs before setting them

Does anyone recognize this problem? Did I miss something? Or do we
just need to build a bigger database first? We're quite excited about
Rivendell, by the way!

Happy Holidays!

Peter van Embden.




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