Hi Fred! Congratulations for the job! Drag and Drop is going to make my
user's life much easier.

About the rdlibrary and rdlogedit issue, here on my Ubuntu 12.04 + xfce
compiled from source, I'm having exactly the same behaviour. If I drop it
bellow the "end of log" line it crashes as described.

Only one doubt about the new feature.

Inside RDAirplay, if I drag a log event to some other position on the same
log it creates a copy of that event instead of moving it. Is it normal?

Again, thanks for the developing! It's being great!


Fernando Della Torre

+55 (16) 98137-1240
+55 (16) 99137-2886

2014/1/2 RĂ¼diger <newslet...@schwoon.info>

> On 02.01.2014 16:12, Fred Gleason wrote:
>> On behalf of the entire Rivendell development team, I'm pleased to
>> announce the availability of Rivendell v2.6.1.  Rivendell is a
>> full-featured radio automation system targeted for use in professional
>> broadcast environments. It is available under the GNU General Public
>> License.
>>  From the NEWS file:
>> *** snip snip ***
>> Changes:
>>     Drag and Drop.  Added the ability to drag and drop carts within and
>>     between Rivendell modules.
> Drag and Drop... very good.
> But one problem on my Ubuntu 12.04 system. Compiled from source...
> D&D is running very well between the moduls except rdlogedit.
> Any time i drag a card from rdlibrary to an empty log rdlogedit is
> crashing. After that is happen, i can open rdairplay or another modul,
> and try to drag another track to rdairplay (rdcardslot...). Then rdlibrary
> will crash. But only when it has killed rdlogedit before...!
> --
> --
> Ruediger
> Radio Ostfriesland Techniksupport Automation
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