even though now I am used to "long-clic-sequences-operations" I think that
the ability to drag-as-move options would be great (it would basically be
the only use of drag and drop I would enable). In the same way you move
songs in Winamp-like audio players.
Anyway I feel everyday prouder and prouder of this community.


2014/1/23 Hoggins! <fucks...@wheres5.com>

> Hello,
> That's exactly how I'm seeing it.
> Thanks !
> Le 23/01/2014 00:43, Fred Gleason a écrit :
> > Howdy Folks:
> >
> > A big thanks to every one who contributed to the recent threads about
> drag-and-drop in Rivendell.  I think some really good ideas have been put
> forth!
> >
> > Here’s the consensus as I’m understanding it and how I plan to proceed:
> >
> > 1) Add a control in RDAdmin->ManageHosts->[Hostname] to enable/disable
> the entire drag-and-drop system.  Disabling it would essentially restore
> operation to how it was before drag-and-drop was added in v2.6.1.  This
> could be configured on a host-by-host basis.
> >
> > 2) Add a control in RDAdmin->ManageHosts->[Hostname] to enable/disable
> drops on SoundPanels when not in ‘Setup’ mode.  *Drags* from SoundPanel
> buttons would continue to work as they do now in 2.7.0.  This would
> likewise by configured on a host-by-host basis, but would apply to *all*
> sound panels on that host.
> >
> > Am I understanding this correctly?
> >
> > Cheers!
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