I'm working on setting up Rivendell for a student radio. I'm using a clock
with a cart playing hard at the top of the hour with random music/jingles
for the rest. Once the log is generated I load it up in Airplay and set it
playing at about the time in the log and use the post point counter to work
out if I need to add or remove tracks to get roughly on time.

However when I add or remove a cart from the log, it will only display the
time difference of the carts not currently playing. It won't update until
after the track has finished, or I come out of a "modify" dialog on the
main log machine (not changing anything, just clicking "ok").

I was running 2.5.5 but took the risk of updating to 2.7 to see if the
problem had been fixed but it's still there. Is this something that can be
fixed? Maybe whatever trigger is made at the end of the "modify" dialog
could be applied when a cart is added/removed to/from the log?

Stephen Ward
Rivendell-dev mailing list

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