I have installed this script http://rivendell.tryphon.org/wiki/Streaming_from_Rivendell#Updating_metadata_IceCast2.2FShoutcast_with_Rivendell_-_RDSTREAMDATA

script is running (after reboot) in the same user as RDairplay , tmp fle is empty but created ,

this is the rdstreamdata log in /var/log

Mon Feb  3 01:55:31 CET 2014 - Startup scrip has received a STOP command
Mon Feb  3 01:56:36 CET 2014 - Startup scrip has received a START command
Mon Feb  3 01:56:36 CET 2014 - RDstreamdata
Mon Feb 3 01:58:01 CET 2014 - Rivendell is running

no now & next is streamed to shoutcast anybody know what may be wrong?
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