On Friday 21 February 2014 09:15:02 pm Lorne Tyndale wrote:
> Another thing with MySQL, ensure that you've got hostname lookups turned
> off in my.cnf

 Yeah, I thought about that, too.
 ( actually a better way than dinking with other things, like
 file system flags, and resolver settings that won't fix the problem,
 but merely hide it )

 Except that none of that has been changed between 
 problem and no problem.

 Pedro indicated that restoring an older database, no problem.
 Then, restoring the new database, problem.

 It seems that ideally, we could step back through time, restoring
 daily backups one at a time, until we find the point at which
 something changed.
 Somehow, I doubt we have that many backups, so the best we
 can do is try to determine what changes exist between problem
 and no problem, and try to isolate those changes.

 Especially in RDAdmin, what's different ?



"Just once, I wish we would encounter an alien menace that wasn't
immune to bullets"
                -- The Brigader, "Dr. Who"

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