On Mar 2, 2014, at 12:52 13, John Anderson <j...@2601.net> wrote:

> Item #3 is the key to make the experience usuable.  I looked at the network 
> traffic of the Voicetracker program when saving, inserting, and modifying a 
> track and there appears to be quite a bit sent.  From looking at the code, 
> the entire log seems to be sent to MySQL each and every time there is a 
> slight change to the log.  With a fully loaded log, this can take 30-60 
> seconds of a reasonable link where there is network management in place.  
> These sorts of things are reasonable to expect in most radio envioronments. 

Hi John:

This is an area of active work here right now.  Specifically, the goal is to be 
able to write changes to a log in the form of a sequence of operations on a 
known base state rather than rewriting the entire log.  Sort of a ‘diff/patch 
toolchain' for logs.  This would get us a number of Good Things, including 
Undo/Redo capability when editing logs and the ability to have multiple users 
simultaneously working on the same log (including voice tracking) without train 


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |               Chief Developer               |
|                           |               Paravel Systems               |
|          A room without books is like a body without a soul.            |
|                                         -- Cicero                       |

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