My dream setup would be to use Jack Audio's "Netjack" over the Internet using 
the new Opus Codec so to have very low latency pre and post cut audio 
transported near-real-time to the remote site during voice tracking, then a 
simple rsync script that moves the recorded audio back to the main Rivendell 
library.  Anyone want to tackle this?  The most I got working was the older 
"CELT" codec working with Jack audio over the Internet about a year ago, but it 
wasn't as reliable as I had hoped, but probably good enough for voice tracking. 
 There might also be a problem (for us anyway) as it looks like Opus currently 
doesn't not support the 44.1kbs  sample rate that we have all of our library 
and have our Jack Audio running at. But maybe this would be a simple patch to 
fix?  I would hate to have to resample.

As far as the database issues, I have had good success (despite warnings in the 
Rivendell documentation saying otherwise) using the RML command to snapshot the 
database at about 1:30am then rsyncing it off to the remote site so that it is 
somewhat current for the next morning's use.  It would be nice to know how to 
"restore" the database via an automatic script at the remote end (been using 
rdadmin manually).  Perhaps I can use a mysql restore command of some sort?  I 
don't know mysql at all, have had issue with it, am afraid of it, and finally 
consider it Rivendell's worst attribute.

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