Probably the best advice, somebody posted a more stable Darkice a few days ago and i am in the process of setting this version online, but I must agree I have the same experience with Darkice as Wayne has, my best uptime over the last 3 months was about 10 days or so, somebody called "Cowboy" in this list also advised to used liquidsoap earlier on to me

Wayne Merricks schreef op 22-3-2014 20:33:

If you're not wedded to darkice, I really recommend you move to something like liquidsoap. Its never let me down and I've been running it for nearly 3 years now (currently on Ubuntu Server 12.04 but used to use 10.04 before that). My current uptime is 438days 23minutes.

When I used to use darkice, I think 60 days was the most I ever had without something going wonky (more usually it was a few days to a week).

Liquidsoap is also much more powerful in that you can use silent monitors, backup failover streams, re-encoding to multiple formats etc etc.

Guide including upstart scripts available here:



On 2014-03-22 17:31, VE4PER/Andy wrote:
I found a link to patch (see below) but no instructions on where or
how to apply it or whether it is relevant/obsolete now??
does anybody here know?

biggest initial problem with darkice was had to use ==prefix=/usr in
the ./configure to install the lame vorbis and ogg libraries.
once that was done I am just left with this one error now.

PATCH ( obtained from web site for a church radio station; sorry no
link saved)

Index: src/JackDspSource.cpp
--- src/JackDspSource.cpp    (revision 479)
+++ src/JackDspSource.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
       snprintf(client_name, 255, "darkice-%d", getpid());

-    if ((client = jack_client_new(client_name)) == NULL) {
+    if ((client = jack_client_open(client_name, (jack_options_t)0,
NULL)) == NULL) {
throw Exception( __FILE__, __LINE__, "JACK server not running?");
Reporter::reportEvent( 1, "Registering as JACK client", client_name);


On 14-03-22 05:09 PM, Rick wrote:

We have it working on Debian (squeeze and wheezy) on this setup:

1. Do a FRESH install of Debian with ONLY SSH and utilities !!! (DON'T INSTALL ANYTHING ELSE YET)
2. wget and dpkg -i darkice, libaac, libfaac and libmp3 from here squeeze <> wheezy <>
3. apt-get install libasound2
4. if still any uninstalled dependancies do apt-get -f install
5. apt-get install darksnow (if you like it, I do)

Now you can start installing Gnome / XFCE etc , RD, Jack and so on.

Open terminal, give the darksnow command and fill in the details, works with any codec !

Daniel Willson schreef op 22-3-2014 17:57:
We couldn't ever get the version of Darkice in the Ubuntu repositories to work. We moved Darkice to a Debian system using the Deb-Multimedia repository. You might want to download/compile the latest version from the project site or find a third-party Ubuntu repo with a newer version. Latest is 1.2. Hope that helps.

On Mar 22, 2014, at 11:05 AM, "VE4PER/Andy" <> wrote:

Hello all,

I have installed ALSA,JACK, and Darkice. Jackd2 is running in real time no problem and audacity, ardour, alsaplayer and aqualung all wok as advertised with it.

Where I have a problem is Darkice, I cannot get it to connect to icecast2 server input nor show up in Jack Connections/Patchbay. Icecast2 is workting fine and when I click on the "listen Live" link on the station website it opens alsaplayer as it is supposed to; so I assume all is well with icecast2.

Thanks, Andy

the problem is as below (and if someone could point me to a patch and procedure to apply it) :
darkice -c /usr/local/icecast2/conf/darkice.cfg
DarkIce 1.0 live audio streamer,
Copyright (c) 2000-2007, Tyrell Hungary,
Copyright (c) 2008-2010, Akos Maroy and Rafael Diniz
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under the terms of The GNU General Public License version 3 or
any later version.

Using config file: /usr/local/icecast2/conf/darkice.cfg
Using JACK audio server as input device.
Using POSIX real-time scheduling, priority 98
jack_client_new: deprecated
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server socket
jack server is not running or cannot be started
DarkIce: JackDspSource.cpp:216: JACK server not running? [0]

config file

duration                 = 0      # duration in s, 0 forever
bufferSecs              = 1      # buffer, in seconds
reconnect               = yes    # reconnect if disconnected

device                  = jackauto  # for jack audio connection
sampleRate          = 44100  # sample rate 11025, 22050 or 44100
bitsPerSample       = 16     # bits
channel                 = 2      # 2 = stereo

bitrateMode = vbr # variable bit rate (`cbr' constant, `abr' average)
quality                 = 1.0       # 1.0 is best quality
format = mp3 # format. Choose `vorbis' for OGG Vorbis
bitrate                 = 256       # bitrate
server                  = woodchipper # or IP
port                        = 8049      # port for IceCast2 access
password = password # source password to the IceCast2 server mountPoint = ccor58.mp3 # mount point on the IceCast2 server .mp3 or .ogg
name                        = ccor58


Processor                : 2x AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 215 Processor
Memory                   : 3791MB (1934MB used)
Operating System        : Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS
User Name                : userid (Maintenance)
Date/Time                : Sat 22 Mar 2014 03:51:42 PM UTC
Resolution                : 2944x1080 pixels
OpenGL Renderer        : GeForce 9200/integrated/SSE2
X11 Vendor                    : The X.Org Foundation
Audio Adapter        : HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia
Audio Adapter        : Em28xx-Audio - Em28xx Audio
-Input Devices-
Power Button
Power Button
em28xx IR (em28xx
HDA NVidia Line
HDA NVidia Front Mic
HDA NVidia Rear Mic
HDA NVidia Front Headphone
HDA NVidia Line-Out CLFE
HDA NVidia Line-Out Surround
HDA NVidia Line-Out Front

Kernel                        : Linux 3.2.0-60-generic (x86_64)
Compiled : #91-Ubuntu SMP Wed Feb 19 03:54:44 UTC 2014
C Library                    : Unknown
Default C Compiler : GNU C Compiler version 4.6.3 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5)
Distribution                : Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS
-Current Session-
Computer Name           : workstation
User Name                    : userid (Maintenance)
Home Directory               : /home/userid
Desktop Environment        : XFCE 4

Total Memory        : 3791656 kB
Free Memory        : 400064 kB


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