On Apr 3, 2014, at 02:35 47, Gavin Stephens <ga...@stephens.net.nz> wrote:

> The user account 'rd' is set to belong to the group 'audio'. However, in the 
> rd.conf file, these are set as user rivendell and group owner rivendell. It 
> took me a while to figure out why this wasn't already pre-set correctly. I 
> went and checked this after I couldn't copy audio in to the /vas/snd folder 
> as it was locked out to 'rd' the default user account the appliance installs.

Ah, but it was set correctly!  The appliance comes configured quite 
intentionally so that ‘any old user’ (i.e. non-root) cannot mess with files in 
/var/snd.  As an administrator you can of course override that policy if you 
wish, but that’s certainly not Best Practice in my book.  As for the user/group 
names in rd.conf(5): these are system accounts and have nothing whatever to do 
with the locally logged in user.  

All of this is different from v1.x; see the ‘UPGRADING’ file for an explanation 
of how it works.

> When logging out of 'rd' user account the system (CentOS) just automatically 
> logs straight back in as rd again. This is under the Gnome install. KDE sits 
> on login screen and logs out of 'rd' correctly. I have to switch users to get 
> in to root which leaves rd user account still not logged out in Gnome. I 
> couldn't find anywhere easily enough to figure out why it's doing this.

See ‘/etc/gdm/custom.conf’, which is where Gnome auto-logins are configured.  
Again, KDE4 is a basket case; if you do figure out how to make it work 
correctly, please let the rest of us know!

If having KDE is important for your site, you may want to go with v1 of the 
appliance (which uses CentOS 5 with KDE3).  Still available at:


> When I did a restore my 1.7.2 database only shows 78 tracks  in RDLibrary v2 
> despite all audio being present and all tracks restore fine in 1.7.2. So this 
> means manually going back and re-doing the database from scratch, fortunately 
> the new database I'm working on only has a few hundred tracks. But it's left 
> me feeling about 20% confident RD will actually ever do a db restore after 
> any sort of upgrade successfully.

FWIW, I typically do this sort of thing a dozen or more times a week; in ten 
years, I’ve had a handful of times (half a dozen?) where the restore had 
problems.  Most often, that’s been due to differences in the SQL dump resulting 
from mixing different versions of MySQL (coming from a newer to an older 
version can be especially problematic).  Those are generally straightforward to 
fix by tweaking the SQL in an editor.  Sometimes it’s a corrupt backup due to 
problems on the source machine.  Those can be hard to repair.  Difficult to say 
more without looking at the dump itself. 

> I reset the passwords on RD login users via RDAdmin as requested when going 
> to v2. When I change user, if a sound panel item is playing in RDAirPlay the 
> button playing is no longer red or counting down. This didn't happen in 
> 1.7.2, the sound panel item stayed showing that it was playing. Anyway to fix 
> this?

Haven’t seen this; will check when I’m back in front of a Rivendell system 
(about to get on a plane right now).

> I know the appliance should be thought of as a Rivendell device not an OS. 
> But it seems I have to learn another OS or GUI to swap RD out with the latest 
> appliance. Switching OS and re-learning in order to do an automation upgrade 
> is a horrible experience. 

I would agree — ideally one should change only one or the other at a time.  
When you’re upgrading from an ancient version though, that’s not always 
possible.  Other than rolling an appliance with <your-favorite-distro>, I’m not 
aware of an efficient alternative.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |               Chief Developer               |
|                           |               Paravel Systems               |
|  At the beginning of the week, we sealed ten BSD programmers into a     |
|  computer room with a single distribution of BSD Unix. Upon opening     |
|  the room after seven days, we found all ten programmers dead,          |
|  clutching each others' throats, and thirteen new flavors of BSD.       |
|                                       -- Anonymous                      |

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