the cause of this problem is likely detected :

Recently we set the automatic creating of the log for the next day - which is set up in RDCatch - over from a workstation to the server that has the sound files and the database on it. Creating of next days log used to take about 50 minutes (!)over a gigabit network on a dual core, on the server itself this only took a fraction of that time

As the rotating of the log is also done on the DJ station, over the network, we suspect this to be the cause of the slow operation and the silence. We plan to switch the log by Gerrits bash script on short notice on the server itself and suspect this to be solved.

As I see many posts on slow mySQL operation these might be related to this silence, but I am just guessing now

Alan Peterson schreef op 13-3-2014 14:16:
This is kinda cheesy, but what about using the Aux Log to fill the time?

Create a short playlist permanently loaded into Aux Log 1 or 2 that kicks off 
every night at 11:59:30 (or so), consisting of these steps:
1) Fade out all Main Log audio now present (PS 0 2000)
2) Sleep for 2 secs (SP 2000)
3) Play Panel Button "X" with anthem (PP etc)
4) Sleep for duration of audio (SP <time>)
4) Start Next event on Main Log (PN 1)

At 30 secs before midnight, the Aux Log fades out whatever is airing on the 
Main and starts playing stirring patriotic music. Meanwhile, a Timed Event in 
the Main log leisurely loads the next day's log and waits. Since the load-in is 
being covered by music from the Sound Panel, there is no dead air.

When the music finishes in the Aux log, it is followed by the RML command to 
start the newly-loaded Main log.

Yes, it means there is a rollover on midnight where an event will have to wait 
until completion of the Panel playback, and the night-owl format freaks 
listening at that hour (they know who they are) will complain that the ID 
didn't hit at *exactly* Zero-zero. But it is a seamless presentation for 
listener and operator alike.

I have not tried this myself as I don't have a situation where it is needed. 
But on its face, this - or a variation of it - looks like it should work.

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