Ubuntu versions are released every 6 months and named for the year/month of
releases. Thus, there is no 14.00, the previous version to 13.10 (released
10/13) and the next version will be 14.10 (release in 10/14). But good luck
trying to grab package from a previous versions. That's normally a path
that you don't really want to go down... Finding an active PPA for the
missing package tends to be the cleaner path:

I haven't tried Rivendell on 14.04 yet, although I image we'll be using it
with 14.04 before too long, so keep us updated if you get this worked out.

The deprecation and now removal of QT3 from the Debain/Ubuntu repos is also
going to continue to be a pain point in newer Ubuntu versions as the world
moves on with QT5, etc. Does Tryphon have plans to maintain a QT3 package
for newer Ubuntu builds? We're planning to continue building QT3 from
source if necessary for now, although that's going to get harder and harder
to do as time moves on since no one is building libraries for QT3 anymore;
especially as the world starts to move off X toward wayland/mir over the
next few years. Things to watch for as you test against newer OS versions.

Good luck! Keep us posted since we'll likely be following the same path in
teh next 6 months or so.

On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 3:42 PM, Cowboy <c...@cwf1.com> wrote:

> On Monday 28 April 2014 05:00:00 pm Mike Carroll wrote:
> > I've tracked the problem down to a package named "libmng1", which is
> > required by the libqt3-mt package, which is required by the Rivendell
> > packages.  libmng1 was removed from the Ubuntu 14.04 distribution.  I
> > haven't found a way around this yet.
>  Debian is notorious for being incompatible with itself, so this may well
> not
>  work on Debian, but *generally* speaking, that same package from the
>  previous distribution can be installed and satisfy the requirement.
>  ( Debian provides replacement packages for function, which would
>  conflict, usually. Ubuntu may or may not, being a Debian derivative )
>  If there was a Ubuntu 14.00, I'd try the package from that, but do watch
>  for conflicts. You can render the system useless if it conflicts in just
>  the wrong way. ( replaces libcurses or something equally as apparently
>  innocuous )
>  ( how would I know that, having never used Ubuntu )
> --
> Cowboy
> http://cowboy.cwf1.com
> The Sixth Commandment of Frisbee:
>         The greatest single aid to distance is for the disc to be going
> in a direction you did not want.   (Goes the wrong way = Goes a long
> way.)
>                 -- Dan Roddick
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