One of the problems with writing an operations guide is that one size does not fit all.

I am involved with several different Rivendell installations, each unique.

There are a series of howtos, scripts, configurations etc, for each.

Some are live, some automated, some programmes are self contained, some voicetracked.

Publishing all of this stuff would be more confusing than informative.

There will be several hundred pages, and for every way of doing something, someone else has an alternate way, just as good, may be better.

Just as fast as it is written some new development makes it redundant.

I can remember a time when radio stations were pretty much identical, we took network news live on line [or RF] and played every thing locally using systems that were the same pretty much everywhere. In the five countries I There are some 'features' in some of those other programs which are very clever but have visited radio stations in, almost anyone with basic training could 'run the station'.

The same stations today operate in very diverse ways, with the one common factor being that they have someone, who knows about radio, who 'nuts out' a way to achieve the things that some programme director thinks up. We now have dozens of ways of getting audio back to the station, and as many more of getting it out to listeners. The station may be a distributed model with contributors working from their own studios, or something more traditional. The 'DJ' has to be able to deal with multiple formats, sources, and technologies. Diverse is not the word *EVERY* set up is different.

Rivendell is in a good position in that it can be deployed to do almost anything any of the 'other' systems can do and does all of the things you need to do to generate a rock solid programme.

This forum enables people to share ideas, offer suggestions, and develop stuff that winds up in the pool of knowledge.

Things that get to the wiki have been distilled over time and it's a slow process. Frustrating when you come to it and hope to have everything answered on day 1.

Rivendell is pretty much the ute [2 door with tray and towbar] which we load up with the tools, tent, dog, food, gas stove, beer, hunting & fishing gear, to spend a week or two 'up north'. The ute [pickup] can do anything, go anywhere, and with the exception of the dog, all the other stuff is optional, depends what you plan to do.


Robert Jeffares
Rivendell-dev mailing list

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