Wow, this sounds like a neat solution. I'm curious about the way it sounds. Is 
there an aircheck available somewhere so I can listen? I'm really curious about 
the quality of the sound.



Van: Administration
Verzonden: ‎zondag‎ ‎11‎ ‎mei‎ ‎2014 ‎21‎:‎09

Hello All,

We have been testing a way to give rivendell some new life in one area it is 
seriously lacking in, remote voicetracking.

Below are results from some initial tests, we wanted to share them with the 
community, we will update this as further testing becomes successful


1. Ability for DJ to voicetrack with limited user knowledge 
2. Ability for DJ to voicetrack without having to have a complicated 
multiple database setup)
3. Ability to avoid having to have duplicate copies of rivendell and its 
entire library on multiple linux workstations in multiple locations
4. Ability to allow DJS to voicetrack into rivendell from any device 
(tablet, smartphone, computer running any operating system)
5. Ability for DJ to record voicetrack shifts while having minimal contact 
with rivendell system
6. Ability to allow DJS to hear "backsell" and "upcoming" audio without 
complicated server and streaming configuration
7. Ability to avoid any files having to be uploaded from DJ device to 
8. Ability to allow DJ a way to interface additional audio into voicetracks 
(IE: weather beds or sound effects) this audio can be on rivendell system, 
but in the voicetrack file a copy of this audio will exist, the copy being 
purged once voicetrack has been aired

from the prereq above a test session was performed, follows is the results 
of that test!

TEST DATE: May 7th 2014
LOCATIONS: Maine, Bermuda
TEST RESULTS (90% Complete)


dj is a teen in MAINE and all she has is iphone
she uses teamviewer to login to the vt box on her phone
she uses a app that allows her mic to sound like stereo quality
she calls and answers the VT (SIP CLIENT TESTING) on her phone,
she pulls the log up in rdlogedit (we leave that open on the vt machine 
along with rdcatch 24/7, they cant X out of it
she finds her log with the VT markers in it
she calls the rdpanel we have setup for vt in
she goes to the voicetracker, finds her first vt memo line
she cuts 4 hours of vts, including weather breaks, contest calls, and 
various music beds when she is on a song break
she saves the log
the log gets ready for air
TOTAL TIME SPENT: 35 minutes for a 4 hour shift

Scenario 2

Disc Jockey in bermuda connects from a windows 7 box using teamviewer
he calls and answers (SIP CLIENT TESTING)from his box
once connected he looks through the log (he has multiple shifts)
he goes through each log (our djs have four talk stops an hour while on VT, 
so a total of 4 vts per hour)
he tracks and and saves 6 logs (one weeks worth of vt shifts at 4 hours 
he does not DO weather, we use rdcatch to carry an audio weather update from 
an external source to a cart, we then put a pre cart with the weather opener 
bed in it, then we use a post cut for the weather closer
when he is done he closes out of the vt and leaves rdlogedit
TOTAL TIME SPENT: 1 hour 10 minutes for 6 4-hour shifts on air

More Coming Soon!

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