Ran into this problem a few months ago as well: if there's a song playing at 
midnight and you have an event to set itself to NEXT at 00.00 or somewhere 
there, it will do that, because no date is specified.

We solved this by creating a macro-cart with commandline "RN 
/home/rd/loadlog-nextday!" and let RDCatch run this cart every day at 23.58:30.

Kind regards,

Peter van Embden

Radio Capelle

The Netherlands


Van: Bernardo J Mora
Verzonden: ‎zondag‎ ‎8‎ ‎juni‎ ‎2014 ‎15‎:‎27
Aan: rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org

Just happened upon (a) possible bug(s) this morning while monitoring my test 
stream live...

For whatever reason, in the 5AM hour this morning, the main log (rdreportLOG) 
played just three elements: a 1/2 hour program that started early; a 2m feature 
(scheduled at 5:28); and a 4m feature (scheduled at 5:44 which I interrupted). 
I stopped RDairplay at 5:40 so you could see what was going to happen 
(screenshot/snapshot below). It then was going to skip the entire 6AM hour and 
begin at 7AM.

Upon further investigation, I discovered that today's log did NOT load, and RD 
was playing yesterday's log... though it appears it went silent for about 15 
minutes this morning (see PLAYOUT reports).

(By the way, is there a silence monitor built in to RDAirplay? I noticed just 
now it automatically started up my Aux Log at 5:54 this morning which I loaded 
after discovering the above error...)

in His service,
BJ Mora

KGCE-LP/Modesto, CA
"under construction"




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