On 7/11/14, 09:21 22, Thomas Churchill wrote:
But a "macro" really is just the term for a series of markup language
commands when placed into a cart.

Actually, no. A 'macro' is a *single* Rivendell Macro Langauge (RML) statement. A sequence of such statements is a 'macro cart'.

While the distinction may seem pedantic, it is quite relevant to this discussion. RMLSend was explicitly designed to process macros --i.e. single RML statements. Given that design context, it would be pointless to implement the 'Sleep' ['SP'] RML.

As for macro *carts*, those are database constructs that exist only in the context of a generic Rivendell cart. Two Rivendell modules are currently capable of rendering them: RDLibrary and RDAirPlay.

However, your idea of a command-line tool tool capable of executing a sequence of RML from a text file is intriguing. I may look into doing something like that.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |              Chief Developer             |
|                           |              Paravel Systems             |
|          A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                         -- Cicero                    |

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