Ops I made a mistake %a is artist
%t is title which what you probably want.

On 9/18/14, Geoff Barkman <countryra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Pedro
> In rdadmin / Manage groups / Edit the group name.
> There will be a Default import title of your import group.
> by default it is "imported from %f.%e"
> Change that to %a
> or %f
> %a names the cart as per the artist field
> %f names the cart with the file name
> Many thanks
> Geoff Barkman
> On 9/18/14, Pedro Picoto <pedro.pic...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> When Importing an item, the cut is named  the whole path where the file
>> came from,
>> something like this D:Documents and SettingsEstudiosAmbiente de
>> trabalhoJames moving
>> Is it a feature? If so where can I disable it?
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