Thank you to Robert, John, and Geoff - yes, this is what happened. I was 
adjusting clocks and left one hour blank on Friday so my Friday log ended 40 
minutes early:

[root@rdhost ~]# cat /var/log/messages |grep LL
Sep 26 00:07:13 rdhost ripcd: received rml: 'LL 1 Playout_20140926 -2!' from
Sep 26 23:19:57 rdhost ripcd: received rml: 'LL 1 Playout_20140927 -2!' from
Sep 27 00:05:01 rdhost ripcd: received rml: 'LL 1 Playout_20140928 -2!' from

Since my Saturday log is different than my Monday-Friday log I can also tell by 
the programs on.

It's probably time for me to go through the wiki again but Robert thank you 
again for that command line, that is a helpful one to know - is there a list of 
similarly helpful commands somewhere for us relative Linux newbies?

I appreciate the fact that every time something has 'gone wrong' for me with 
RD, it's been my error :-). My first criterion for testing an automation system 
is that it won't kill itself... why I've tried to stay away from Windows based 
programs (ducking :-) )

in His service,
BJ Mora for GraceRadio - on the air at
KGCE-LP/Modesto, CA
"under construction"

On Sep 27, 2014, at 2:21 PM, Geoff Barkman <> wrote:

> I've had this problem before. What has probably happened is the Friday log 
> finished early. It clicked over to Saturday and then it got to midnight and 
> then it jumped to end and then moved to Sunday.
> You can probably prove this by the first item on Saturday playing by the play 
> count in rdlibrrary unless it's something like a news bulletin that plays 
> every hour.
> On Sep 28, 2014 3:12 AM, "Bernardo J Mora" <> wrote:
> Any ideas why today's log would have been skipped over in favor of tomorrow's?
> RD seemed to be very happy playing Sunday's log today, Saturday. I find no 
> evidence that Saturday's was touched at all... and yes, there was one 
> generated for today, which I promptly loaded (after quitting RDairplay to do 
> a software update including updating BASH to protect from Shellshock).
> in His service,
> BJ Mora for GraceRadio - on the air at
> KGCE-LP/Modesto, CA
> "under construction"

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