Okay, the monitor shaped dent in my forehead is what's growing instead of knowledge. (broadcast appliance 2.9.3)

I have a library from previous riv box that I've temporarily copied to the /rd/music folder. Now I would like to copy them to /var/snd. In the terminal I enter
cp /home/rd/music /var/snd
Apparently my terminal was raised in Boston as it responds with
"can't stat '/home/rd/music'. No such file or directory." Hang on there, I know it exists...what gives? I can ls -al /home/rd/music and seem 'em.

Why not simply copy them to /var/snd to begin with, you chortle. Well, tried that first with gui and term but that gate is welded shut and can't change permissions no matter what I've tried. All existing files and first dir. are rivendell:rivendell and will respond to change of permissions. The second dir. is the stubborn one and insists on remaining root:root. Yes, I'm addressing all this as root in the terminal.

I'm considering becoming a yak rancher soon!
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