On 10/13/14, 11:26 12, Technik Kölncampus wrote:
we're trying to get the ASI5641 working under Ubuntu 14.04 x64-86,
Kernel While the kernel successfully identifies the card and
the asihpi flawlessly forwards alsa to the hpi-driver, rivendell does
not fully acknowledge the card.

Input channels are properly shown, the output channels are zero, though.
I've attached a screenshot, which you can also see here:

This is a fairly new card, which I haven't had a chance to test yet, but here are a couple of things to try:

1) Fire up RDHPIInfo and click the 'Change Card Mode' button to see what (if any) other modes the card offers. This can often affect what ports Rivendell is able to detect. Remember, if you do change the mode, you need to restart the ASI driver to make the change effective ('rmmod asihpi ; modprobe asihpi', or just reboot).

2) The newer ASI drivers have added three additional modes ('9 Output Streams', 'Mono' and 'Low Latency'), support for which have been added in RDHPIInfo on GitHub master but have not yet been released. You may have some success working with that newer version of RDHPIInfo.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |              Chief Developer             |
|                           |              Paravel Systems             |
|          A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                         -- Cicero                    |

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