I agree that a traditional conference might be a bit ambitious.  For example, I 
live "only" 700 miles (1000 KM) away and probably wouldn't even make it.

What I think would benefit Rivendell the most is a push to update the Wiki so 
that it is:

1) More up to date

  a) A more complete and updated users guide (Existing is very good, but need 

  b) A useful administrators guide (Existing is only a template, and even that 
needs work)

2) Contains more "step-by-steps" for newbies (Including some "quick-starts" to 
handle getting most people up and going).  I'm thinking it is difficult for 
newbies to even figure out where to start!

3) Contains a LOT more details on administration and initial setup (see admin 
guide above)

4) Then more examples of peoples' "unusual" setups.

5) Contains lots of troubleshooting sections so fewer are simply lost when 
something goes wrong.

I for one am guilty of not participating in this yet as I think I have several 
unusual things I've gotten Rivendell/LInux to do on our station that others 
might be interested in (and that I brag about to those running many of those 
"other" commercial systems).

A single conference tends to only benefit those who attend at the time, where 
as fixing up the Wiki will provide a lasting benefit for all of us and many new 
users.  It took me quite awhile to get things working for us, and I had a 
pretty good Linux background, but had never used Jack audio before which in 
itself had a steep learning curve.  I currently struggle with many aspects of 
MySQL which I previously had little experience with.

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