
If you run rddbcheck after you change your audio file, it'll go through
and fix the cart/cut lengths in the database, based on the actual
lengths of the audio tracks (I just did a quick test on a test file /
machine I have running an audio file through SOX and speeding it up 5%).

However as you point out this won't fix any segue / talk time / hooks /
other markers there.

But for me I'm putting it to my backup.  Even at only 5%, the Dire
Straights track I picked as a test just does not sound right.

Another suggestion that I have - when you make a backup of your
/var/snd, also grab a backup of your database.

> Hi,
> Beware that if you are applying this to an existing library; there are 
> cart lengths/average_lengths in the CARTS table and I'm pretty sure cut 
> lengths in the CUT table.
> It would also throw off any segue/talk time/hook/cut start/end markers 
> you had put in.
> Should be possible to script a 5% increase and adjust markers 
> accordingly rather than manually changing everything.
> On 2014-11-23 20:50, Lorne Tyndale wrote:
> >>   I think the answer in this case is clear: pitch alteration belongs 
> >> in the production room, not the air chain.
> >
> > I tend to agree with this too.
> >
> > Another option that I could point out - which essentially would be 
> > the
> > same as doing the alteration in production only without the human
> > element involved (thus automating the process for those with large
> > libraries).  With a few MySQL queries and some scripting it would be
> > possible to generate a list of the audio file names in /var/snd for
> > which audio pitch speedup is desired.  Then - make a backup of 
> > /var/snd
> > (so you'll still have the original) and write a script to use SOX to
> > automate the modifying / pitch speed up of any audio tracks you want 
> > to
> > perform that effect on and have that script put the new versions of 
> > the
> > files in /var/snd (make sure they have the same file name as the old
> > file name).  This should have a similar end-effect of modifying each 
> > one
> > in something like Audacity, without the need to sit there and go into
> > each file.
> >
> > Writing such code should be relatively trivial and potentially 
> > provide
> > the desired result.  Since it would not modify any of the Rivendell
> > source code it would be unlikely to break anything.  And going back 
> > to
> > the original would simply be a matter of restoring the needed files 
> > from
> > backup.
> >
> > Of course without someone listening to each track (as you would when
> > editing each one) you'd lose the human ability to make sure  things
> > still sound good.
> >
> >
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